Vijay Eswaran And The Keys To The QI Group’s Success

Many people are skeptical of the potential benefits of becoming involved with the multilevel marketing industry. But the spectacular success of Vijay Eswaran and the QI Group has led countless people to change their perspective. The Malaysian entrepreneur started the QI Group in the Philippines in 1998 in the midst of an Asian economic crisis.

Today the company has hundreds of thousands of workers, regional offices in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong and yearly income in excess of $750 million. Plus the QI Group has improved the lives of millions of people. Read more: Dato’ Sri Vijay Eswaran Speaks At World Economic Forum 2016

By combining innovative marketing strategies, a dedicated, well-trained, hard working team, high-quality, affordable products and the far reaching vision of Vijay Eswaran, the QI Group has attained unprecedented success. Learn more about Brad Reifler:

Vijay Eswaran says he’s learned that having the right people is the most important thing when building a great company. And the team at the QI Group has not only prospered economically, they have enabled the company to build a university in Malaysia and make plans for a green-energy powered, environment-friendly city to be built within the next few years.

One of the things that has been helpful to Vijay Eswaran as a leader and enhanced the work of his staff and the company and enabled them to grow is the concept of ‘Service above Self’. It’s something is father taught him as a child.

And he constantly shares that message with his staff. He remains humble because he understands that interacting with customers, listening to the stories they share and working hard and smart to meet their needs and improve their lives is what makes the QI Group successful.

Vijay Eswaran says another key to the QI Group’s success is continuing to maintain a small company soul even as they work to become a global enterprise. Taking the actions necessary to ensure each customer gets the personal attention they need to make them happy is what will help the company to grow exponentially.

It’s an understanding that they must be motivated by making a positive difference in people’s life and always be willing to innovate and try harder.

The Mornings for the Founder of Lime Crime

The daily routine for the founder of Lime Crime, Doe Deere begins at 8:30 am. She awakens automatically without the use of an alarm after nine hours of sleep. A morning person, she revels in her morning routine. She drinks a full glass of water to start her day off fully hydrated. She notes that staying hydrated is a necessary focus, because Los Angeles, her home is very dry.


She starts the day off with stretches. Her favorite ones are the cat/camel exercises that loosen up her back. After stretching, she likes hot cereal for breakfast, preferably grits. She enjoys eating it in front of her kitchen window, where she begins planning her day. Oranges grow in her yard, so she’ll enjoy a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice as well as some yogurt and fresh fruit for breakfast on many days.


Always the business woman, Doe Deere checks her phone calendar first thing in the morning. She keeps communication lines open with her company’s teammates through the internal company chat, so she’s aware of business matters at all times. Admittedly, she also checks Instagram and email throughout the day, preferably not in the morning.


Before she gets ready for the day, she likes to have music playing. Right now, she’s been obsessed with the Beatles. While listening to the vinyl recording of Abby Road, she does her makeup. She loves washing her face with Glossier face wash, because it smells like roses. Next, she moisturizes her face with Murad ‘Hydro-Dynamic Quenching Essence’. She begins by applying L’Oréal’s True Match Foundation, followed by MAC’s ‘Studio Fix’ to remove the shininess. Finally, she sets the makeup with loose powder. Doe Deere uses other brands of foundation now, but Lime Crime will be releasing a foundation very soon. Doe Deere is currently working very hard to bring it to market.


After filling in her eyebrow with pencil, she applies pink or red blush to her cheeks and then does her lips. Her favorite lip colors are Lime Crime’s Rustic, Red Velvet and Pink Velvet. These bright splashes of color bring life to her face and are the part of applying makeup she loves most.


She showers at night, preferring to start the day with dry hair. Using a curling wand, she adds her shiny waves that set off her long purple hair. Before she heads off to work, she spends a few minutes with her two Persian cats, Puffy Fluffles and Chester Von Battingham. She enjoys petting and kissing them as well as making sure they live a royal existence in her home.


From there, she starts her workday at the office around noon and works straight through till six or much later, if needed. She’ll work until midnight if it’s necessary. Doe Deere starts her day focused and ends it the same way. That’s how she has gotten Lime Crime off to such a great start.


Follow Doe Deere on Facebook.


The one and Only George Soros

George Soros is a very influential man who is well known for doing two things, which in a way are completely connected to each other beyond the obvious. He is really good at making vast amounts of money and understanding the dynamics of business relationships in strategy. And, he is equally good at strategically giving his money to those who need it in order to keep the wheels of political justice spinning in the right direction. But, there is so much more to fully understanding the man, and a lot of that has to do with knowing his history.

The story of George Soros has its origins starting in Budapest, Hungary 1930. Life is reasonably good for him until the age of 14. That is when the Nazi occupation of his homeland makes life a series of serious choices for survival concerning him and his family. After it all finally ends, his family immigrates to London, England, where his life starting with work, training and education begins.

After passing his formative years and coming out the other side with a plan in mind, George Soros sets sail toward the Unites States to end up on the shores of New York, NY. Twenty years of patiently sticking with the script and rising to the top pays off for him, and he has a mind to make his mark in the world. To this end, he creates the Soros Fund. The investments flow in while successful agendas, policies and campaigns flow out. Read more about George’s life story at

It is this very strategic and deliberately designed cash flow surplus that leads George Soros to the way of establishing his Open Society Foundations. With more than twenty years of serious profits gains, a world class education and a personal triumph that carries with it such responsibility, being the head of these organizations just comes naturally for him.

The reach of his foundations and the benefits they provide to the world stretches across the globe, stopping in places like Russia, Eastern Europe or New York City. Those in need can also count on his help in places where natural disasters strike. The names of the people and organizations he lends a hand to actually add up to 500 pages. Know more about George Soros on CNBC.

George Soros is a maverick of philanthropic goodness. And, some people attempt to question his nature. While no one, as yet, can point to a moment in time as to when he has played outside the rules. But, as he can affirm, you cannot please everybody. Perhaps, it is best not to please everybody and it is necessary to fight against some. But, you can give everyone a fair warning as to how things should be. This is exactly how George lives his life for others these days.

Securus video visitation creates strong value for all customers

Perhaps more than any other industry, prison contractors in the United States have been heavily vilified by leftist organizations that deem them to be an inappropriate addition to the United States criminal justice system. To be fair, in some of cases, the critics have a valid point. There are built-in perverse incentives where companies are making their money primarily off increased incarceration levels and stringent laws of a society.


But many of the prison system’s contractors have absolutely no dog in any political fight. Many people underestimate the extreme challenges that prison contractors face on a day-to-day basis, just in order to carry out their business. For example, Securus Technologies, one of the nation’s largest providers of inmate communication services, has a dual customer base, with often diametrically conflicting interests, that can make their job extremely difficult.


On the one end, Securus must keep phone rates low, so that inmates are happy and continue to use the system with regularity. On the other hand, it also must take into account the concerns of corrections officers, who the inmates often view as the enemy. Securus manages to do this through keeping rates extremely low, using VoIP-based communications technology and other proprietary systems that the company itself has developed.


On the other hand, it also deploys an industry-leading security suite, allowing corrections officers total control over the communication systems and what goes on over them. By implementing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence solutions, including military-grade voice recognition that can instantly identify any banned party or any flagged individual that is known to be a security threat to the institution, Securus enables corrections officers to focus on only the most pressing cases, dramatically increasing efficiency and maintaining an extremely high level of institutional security.


These are just some of the ways in which Securus is delivering big value to all of its customers, no matter their position within the U.S. carceral system.

DCG Software Value Merges with The Spitfire Group under Guidance of Madison Street Capital

Madison Street Capital is an investment bank founded in 2005. Services offered by MSC target the middle market investments featuring a variety of financial services that include business valuation, advice on financial reporting and corporate information. With the understanding of every client uniqueness and demands, the firm undertakes an extensive study of enterprises to provide with an accurate picture of the current state of affairs and the future projections. Equipped with this knowledge clients get the best opportunity to make realistic choices to grow their businesses. MSC operates on undisputed commitment to offer quality leadership, excellent services and ensure the success of clients. The Madison Street Capital reputation indicates that it provides a platform that is beneficial to both the company and the client’s hence maintaining trust and lead in the industry.


During the event to announce the merger of Software Value and The Spitfire Group, Charles Botchway the CEO of Madison Street Capital noted that both companies operated under experienced teams. With both companies being leaders in business IT industry, he further pointed out that it was an excellent opportunity to work out the merger. Regarding the merger, MSC provided detail analysis of both companies that provided the platform for the formation of the alliance. Jay Rodgers of MSC led the transaction in which both Mike Harris the CEO of DCG Software Value and Mark Richtermeyer the CEO of Spitfire respective company teams. In his words, Mike Harris commended the excellent work by MSC and expressed that the new formation will work together with MSC team to seek out more ways to expand the business.


DCG Software Value provides software analytics solutions, quality management software and Agile support services to businesses from around the globe. Since 1994, DCG products have been used by companies to improve on decision-making and manage resources. The company has its corporate offices in Malvern, the US and as well runs another in the UK for its European market.


The Spitfire Group offers business and technology consultancy services. They offer packages tailored to align the objectives of the individual client and the technological needs. The company utilizes a “multiplier concept” that is run by its team of employees. The concept aims at improving the performance of the client’s employees with the technology in place. Its operations include assessment of the technology architecture in place, customization of structure to fit business needs and integration of different systems for better performance. The company embraces the use of modern and current technology to help resolve different business needs of its clients.

Education as Ms. Eva Moskowitz sees it

Ms. Eva Moskowitz is the founder and CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools and a former City Council member for the Upper East Side in New York City. Reports of widespread of cheating by students and a cover up by principal by New York Magazine during her early life and education transformed her into a lasting critique of the New York public school system. She graduated from University Pennsylvania with B.A. with honors in History and received her Ph.D. in American history from John Hopkins University in 1991.


Ms. Eva Moskowitz has a successful career as teacher, administrator, an entrepreneur, and politician. She started as a visiting professor of communications and mass culture at the University of Virginia(1989-1990). She served as an assistant professor of history at both Vanderbilt University (1992-1993) and City University of New York (College of Staten Island)(1994-1995) and a faculty seminar in American studies chairwoman at the Columbia University (1996-1999). She doubled as directors of ReadNet children’s literacy program, and public affairs and taught civics at the preparatory school. She is the CEO of a thriving Success Academy Charter Schools.


Eva Moskowitz expresses her candid and divergent views about the inadequacies of the American basic educational system. She bemoaned the abysmal falling standards in education stating that the highest performing students in America are worse than lowest performing students in other countries. She attributes the nonperformance of students due to the educational structure, curricula, and methods of teaching. She does not support public non-charter schools for middle-class and affluent districts because they are not effective as parents think. Moskowitz called for more concerted efforts to assist struggling students by improving school programs and identifying and helping students with learning disabilities earlier. She argues that the public elementary school curricula are not challenging enough for students making many students bored at school. She and Arin Lavinia wrote that the math syllabi are taught rather at low pace as if time was of no essence and argued for a much speedy teaching. 

Bruce Bent II: the Brilliant Mind behind Money Market Funds

Money market funds have become one of the most popular ways of saving money, and for good reasons. First off, they provide higher returns than bank deposits yet the level of risk involved is believed to be just as low as the risk involved in bank deposits. However, the returns they provide are relatively low compared to more risky investments such as stocks and long-term debt. The risk inherent in money market funds is low because the funds are highly liquid as the securities invested mature in a few months.

The securities invested include short-term bonds, such as treasury bills, repurchase agreements, and commercial paper among others. Both individuals and corporations can have money market fund shares, and these can be purchased through brokerage firms, mutual funds, and even banks. Bruce Bent II is the brilliant mind that invented the first money market fund in the world in 1970.

Money market funds ensure that investors receive, at the very least, the amount of money they invested. This prevents them from losing their money. Money market funds are now used all over the world.

Anyone seeking higher returns on their savings without taking on too much risk should consider purchasing money market fund shares. For more than 4 decades they have been in use, they have proven to be one of the safest investments an investor can make.

About Bruce Bent II

Bruce Bent II is a successful businessman based in the U.S. His father was the founder of the first money market fund called the Reserve Fund. Bruce Bent II has a in-depth knowledge and experience with money market funds from his father and his financial career.

Bent II attended Northeastern University where he graduated with his Bachelor’s  degree in Philosophy. He followed his father into the financial sector where he has become quite successful. He currently is the Vice Chairman and President of Double Rock Corporation. He has help many companies with creative solutions.

Bruce Bent II has surely made a great contributions to the global finance industry.


For more information follow Bruce Bent II on LinkedIn and Twitter.

NuoDB and It’s Elasticity Scalable Database

NuoDb offers an exciting technology that allows servers to better communicate within the cloud. How does it accomplish this? NuoDb has a patented technology that uses peer to peer messaging in order to communicate the correct information with corresponding nodes. Doing so allows servers to run more fast and efficiently without any sharding. This technology was created by Jim Starkey and is available via NuoDB. Many large companies rely on the NuoDb technology to harmoniously operate within the cloud. Such companies are Dassault Systemes, Kodiak, the UAE Exchange and Alfa Systems. The patented technology is filed under the name “elasticity scalable cloud database”.

NuoDb was founded in Massachusetts and was originally operating under the name NimbusDB. This name was obviously later changed. Over the years through many rounds of funding the company has accumulated over sixty million dollars in funding. One such investment was from venture capital. The company was recognized in 2014 with the award of one of Boston’s Business Journals “Innovative All Stars”.

The SQL database is often referred to as NewSQL. This technology makes integrating new servers seamless with peer to peer communication. The database elects tasks to the correct processors and accurately distributes tasks to the nodes.

Do You Want A Home Business ? You Can Party And Make Money!

You can make money with Traveling Vineyard. With this company, you can make money selling fine wines, and have fun doing it. Simply hold a wine tasting party at your house, and invite your friends and acquaintances.

The Traveling Vineyard will supply the wines to be tasted, some snacks to go with the wines, and even the party invitations. And, of course, they will give you order forms. Wine sells itself; most of the wine sales throughout the entire world are spur of the moment, impulse sales.

When a person goes to a wine tasting party expecting to buy wines, think of the potential sales for each party!

Follow Traveling Vineyard on Tumblr.

After your party and after taking the orders, you can ask one of your party-goers to host a party in her home, and invite all her friends. That way, you can increase your customer base, as the old customers buy replacement wines, and then the new ones the cycle over again. Soon, you will have a customer base of a number of people.

These are not cheap wines you might find in the bulk wine section of your local grocery store, either. The wine testers at Traveling Vineyard travel to different chateaux to find the best in the seasons’ varietals. The wine you sell will always be of great quality and superb taste. Your customers will certainly try more than one variety of these fine wines.

Do not wait any longer! Give Traveling Vineyard a chance today!

For more information about Traveling Vineyard, just click here.

Kim Dao Shows Her Korean Fashion Purchases

Popular Youtuber Kim Dao posted a video showing the fashion haul she achieved on a trip to Korea. This included both clothes and accessories that she garnered on the trip. Kim Dao starts out the video modeling some of the clothes and jewelry she got on the trip as well as describing them.

The first look that Kim Dao features includes a choker that includes a golden heart. She is modeling her new fashionable clothing at an outdoor location in Japan, which she has been living in for a few years. She also talks about the black shoes she is wearing, which she actually got from her sister.

After changing clothes, Kim Dao shows off a simple top she got which is a pattern of pink and white lines. She bought it because it goes great with a number of different outfits and looks she has. This outfoot also includes a black skirt. She had seen a Korean girl wearing this outfit during her trip to Korea, and Kim Dao loved it so much she decided to purchase the same clothing.

The next clothing that Kim Dao models is a darker dress and features high heel shoes which she got in her native Australia. She says she plans to wear the dress in Autumn and for Christmas as it’s formal and classy looking. Her final outfit includes a choker with a pearl on it, and a bright white shirt that has black lines. To complete the outfit, she is wearing a pair of jeans.


Follow Kim Dao on Twitter @kimdaoblog.