
The Heywire Competition

If you’re aged 16-22, and live outside the big cities, enter your story in the Heywire competition and be part of something big. Entries close 15 September 2017.

Check to see if you’re eligible.

What do I win?

Winning Heywire is the beginning of an incredible year-long journey.

Your story on the ABC!

Work with ABC Producers to have your story featured on the ABC. Be heard across Australia and internationally.

Last year's winning stories

A trip to the Heywire Summit!

Winners also score an all expenses paid trip to the Heywire Summit in Canberra, to develop ideas to make regional Australia an even better place for young people.

About the summit

The chance to make a difference

The Heywire Summit has sparked youth projects all over the country. $100,000 is up for grabs each year for communities to implement Heywire Summit ideas.

Heywire grants in action

Entering the competition

What do I enter?

Tell a story about an aspect of your life, where you live. Check out last year's winning stories for inspiration and our tips for great Heywire story (below). Tell your story in any format you like:

What do I enter

How do I enter?

When your story is ready, submit it by filling in our simple online entry form. Enter by September 15, 2017 to be in the running to win this year's comp.

What Heywire Winners Say

Vera Cheffers

"I'm constantly reminding myself everyday of the impact that Heywire has had on my life.. wow I am so privileged to have taken part in something so inspiring and to have met such a diverse group of people."

Vera Cheffers, 18, Mildura, Vic

Heywire winner: Katie McAllister at Heywire summit

"Heywire was an affirmation that it is something special and valuable to live in regional Australia. It was the call to action we all needed to create the regional communities we want to live in, not the ones we had become used to."

Kate McAllister, 18, Albany, WA

2012 Heywire winner Dayna Duncan

"Heywire was the start of something huge for me. At the summit we came up with an idea for an event to celebrate diversity in small towns. The idea was so well received and I won a $7,000 grant to run the event in my community. It was an awesome day and now I am working on rolling out the idea across Australia."

Dayna Duncan, 16, Arno Bay, SA

2012 Heywire winner Jarvis Holt

"My Heywire experience proved to me that young people are capable of coming up with compelling, practical and thought-provoking ideas and projects that can really improve the lives of people our age."

Jarvis Holt, 17, Kurraca, Vic

2011 Heywire winner Alpha Capaque

"The Heywire Regional Youth Summit is the best kind of prize. It does not give you a trophy which collects dust over the years, rather, it makes you realise that you have a voice and that that voice could be powerful"

Alpha Capaque, 20, Darwin, NT

Ben Galea, Qld

"The opportunity to speak on radio numerous times, meet and talk to people who work for the ABC and government, develop ideas for real change in regional Australia and then present that to such high profile figures, was unbelievable!"

Ben Galea, 18, Waterloo, Qld

Stephanie Beckedahl, 19, 2012 Heywire winner

"Alone each winner had a story, but together we created something far greater. At the Summit political leaders and ministers, members of corporations and foundations each stopped to listen to us. But not only did they listen, they took us seriously. We were important and so were our ideas."

Stephanie Beckedahl, Kariong, NSW

Monique Edwards, 17, Kingston, SA

"I came out of Heywire with more confidence, leadership skills, and an idea to put an end to drink driving. Since then it's been amazing to watch our Keys Please idea take off. It's life-changing knowing that even as a young person from a small rural town you can have a major impact, and help so many young people get home safely."

Monique Edwards, 17, Kingston, SA

Jane Gould, Boort VIC

"Heywire has set me up with not only the practical skills and contacts, but also the self-belief to help improve rural communities. I met some incredible people, and had a positive and liberating experience."

Jane Gould, 18, Boort, Vic

Jess Weise, 18, Barcaldine, Qld

"People actually recognise me now after seeing my Heywire video and hearing me on the ABC. I've been congratulated so many times and it's still happening, Heywire has had such a huge impact on my life."

Jess Weise, 19, Barcaldine, Qld

Heywire winner: Melissa Kelly

"Inspirational! The summit opened my eyes and made me realise I can change anything for the better if I put my mind, heart and soul into it. But doing this isn't all just hard work it's also a heap of dancing and singing along the way. Simply amazing!"

Melissa Kelly, 17, Ravenshoe, Qld

Tips for a great entry

1) It's about you

Submit a true story about an aspect of your life. You are unique and the place where you live is unique, and that makes your story fascinating.

2) But not everything about you

We're not asking you to tell your whole life story. Focus on one important event or aspect of your life. Remember we recommend 400 words, 2-4 minutes of video or a series of photos.

3) Check out our past winning stories

If you are not sure what to write about, check out the past winning stories for inspiration or browse the popular Heywire story topics in the footer of this page.

4) Still not sure what to make your story about?

Ask yourself these questions and come up with as many answers as you can. One of them is bound to make an excellent yarn.

- What's a challenge you've overcome?
- What recent event has had a big event on your life?
- What are you passionate about?
- What makes you or your town unique?
- Why do you like living where you do?

5) Look for specific moments rather than generalities

Instead of saying "I love my town because of the community spirit" try describing a moment from your life that illustrates that community spirit.

6) Look for turning points

Turning points are moments where your life changes course. They are fascinating to the reader and often set up a suspenseful story.

7) Give us more than just your opinion

Many great Heywire stories are opinion pieces about important issues. But we encourage you to not solely focus on your opinion, but also your experience of the issue.

8) Show respect

If you are putting together a story that involves other people who are identifiable, make sure you show them respect. We also encourage you not to use your real name or other's real names. More about online privacy and conditions of use.

9) Steer clear of music you don't own

When producing audio or video, please ensure you use copyright free material. Here are some tips to help you find appropriate music.

10) Keep it real and keep it simple

Use the kind of language you would use every day. Be yourself!

> More tips for text entries
> More tips for video entries
> More tips for audio entries
> More tips for photos entries