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not claiming her as an anarcha-feminist, but certainly a badass, and this particular piece is worth reading.
History and actuality of anarcha-feminism: lessons from Spain (2007)
by Marta Iniguez de Heredia
The history of the Anarcha-Feminist International & the Anarcha-Feminist Manifesto

There seems to be less writing on anarcha-feminist topics in the last few years. I admit I’ve been consumed by other projects and not doing the research I used to, but it seems that i should be seeing more. I’m thinking of requesting submissions. Maybe I’ll throw out some topics or questions.

Why do you think less anarcha-feminists are writing on issues that pertain to that realm? Has it all been written? Do questions about the gender binary or intersectionality discouraging writers due to it being complex? Are we sick of in-fighting? Are we pessimistic? Do we not want to be lumped in the “feminist” box? Do we feel like we have to be academics to write good pieces? Is it because of social media? Ideas?

There seems to be less writing on anarcha-feminist topics in the last few years. I admit I’ve been consumed by other projects and not doing the research I used to, but it seems that i should be seeing more. I’m thinking of requesting submissions....