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Imagga's smart cropping technology automatically chooses the most visually appealing parts of your images and crop them accordingly. A great addition to Cloudinary's face detection based cropping. Any Cloudinary's image manipulation can be applied on the cropped images.

For example, embedding a 260x240 smartly cropped image:

cl_image_tag("sample_van.jpg", :crop => "imagga_scale",
             :width => 260, :height => 240)
Imagga original image
Imagga cropped image

Same example as a dynamic URL:

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Capture screenshots of any public web page using URL2PNG. Further manipulate your screenshots with any of Cloudinary's image transformations to perfectly match your website's graphic design. Embed on-the-fly generated images in your site, delivered through a fast CDN.

For example, embedding a 300x225 screenshot image:

cl_image_tag("", :type => 'url2png', 
 :width => 300, :height => 225, :crop => :fill, :radius => 10)
URL2PNG sample screenshot

Same example as a dynamic URL:

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Reduce the file size of your photos by up to 5x using JPEGmini, while keeping their original quality and JPEG format. Any Cloudinary image manipulation can be chained as well, while the generated optimized images are cached and delivered through a fast CDN.

For example, delivering a 300x200 minified JPG image:

cl_image_tag("sample.jpg", :quality => "jpegmini"
    :width => 300, :height => 200, :crop => 'fill')
JPEGmini original image
Original: 27.4KB
JPEGmini compressed image
Cropped: 22.9KB, 17% Saved

Same example as a dynamic URL:

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Automatically moderate all photos uploaded to your application using WebPurify. Prevent adult-oriented and inappropriate images from creeping into your websites or mobile applications. Use Cloudinary's upload and delivery APIs knowing that human moderation experts approved your images for user viewing.

For example, uploading an image that should be moderated by WebPurify:

  :moderation => 'webpurify', :notification_url => 'http://mysite/mycallback')
WebPurify image moderation
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Automatically detect eyes, nose and other facial attributes in your photos using Advanced Facial Attribute Detection utilizing Microsoft's Project Oxford. Detect gender, age and other semantic face details and combine them with Cloudinary's image manipulation capabilities to smartly crop images and place overlays over detected faces and eyes.

For example, adding overlays of glasses, automatically positioned, scaled and rotated:

cl_image_tag("coupled.jpg", :overlay => "glasses", 
  :width => 1.7, :flags => 'region_relative',
  :gravity => 'adv_eyes')
Advanced facial attributes detection original image
Eyes overlay
Advanced facial attributes detection with eyes overlay

Same example as a dynamic URL:

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Automatically convert Word, Excel and PowerPoint Office documents to PDF or any image format using Aspose. Generated images can be further processed by Cloudinary to create thumbnails of any page in the document. Manipulate your thumbnails to perfectly match your graphic design.

For example, uploading a Word document and converting to it PDF:

  :public_id => "sample_document.docx", 
  :resource_type => 'raw', :raw_convert => 'aspose')
Aspose Office document thumbnail

A JPG thumbnail of the document can now be generated and delivered via a CDN:

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Use Metascan add-on to scan all your images for malware. Cloudinary automatically scans documents, images and other files uploaded your application, protecting against viruses, spyware, malware and other malicious code.

The Metascan add-on leverages four antivirus engines simultaneously: ESET, AVG,
ClamWin and Norman to prevent viruses and malwares from creeping into your
websites or mobile applications. You can then use Cloudinary's upload and delivery
APIs knowing that your files are approved for user viewing and downloading.

For example, uploading a PDF document that should be scanned by Metascan:

  :moderation => 'metascan', 
  :notification_url => 'http://mysite/mycallback')
Metascan antivirus
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Remove the background from your photos, focus only on their main subjects and improve your conversion rates. Remove-The-Background employs expert graphic designers to quickly edit your photos to perfection. The original images will be automatically replaced with their background removed versions as soon as their editing is finished.

Cloudinary will handle all the additional editing, optimizations and delivery of the resulting images.

For example, uploading an image to the cloud while scheduling background removal:

  :background_removal => 'remove_the_background')
Remove The Background original image
Remove The Background edited image
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With VIESUS™ image enhancement add-on, you can extend Cloudinary's powerful image manipulation and optimization capabilities by enhancing images to their best visual quality and automatically adjusting brightness and color, restoring sharpness, removing noise and correcting for overexposure or underexposure.

For example, embedding a 300px wide visually enhanced image:

cl_image_tag("beach.jpg", :effect => "viesus_correct", 
             :width => 300, :crop => :scale)
VIESUS original image
VIESUS enhanced image

Same example as a dynamic URL:

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Automatically categorize and tag images using the Imagga Auto Tagging add-on. Scene categories are identified and assigned to uploaded images, and then Cloudinary automatically adds tags based on these categories.

For example, uploading an image with categorization and automatic tagging:

  :categorization => "imagga_tagging",
  :auto_tagging => 0.4)
Imagga Auto Tagging

The result includes all automatically detected categories and the assigned tags of high confidence level:

"tags": [ "sea turtle", "loggerhead", "turtle" ], ...
"data": [ { "tag": "sea turtle", "confidence": 1.0 }, 
          { "tag": "loggerhead", "confidence": 1.0 },
          { "tag": "turtle", "confidence": 0.8903 }, ...

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Apply transformations to text detected in your images using the OCR Text Detection and Extraction Add-on (powered by the Google Vision API). Pixelate, blur or cover phone numbers, email addresses, license plates, and other undesired data. And of-course you can extract the detected text content and coordinates from any image, including multi-page documents like TIFFs and PDFs.

For example, pixelating the numbers and letters on a license plate:

cl_image_tag("black_car.jpg", :effect=>"pixelate_region:15", :gravity=>"ocr_text")
OCR original image
OCR Pixelated image

Same example as a dynamic URL: