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Obama commutes Chelsea Manning’s sentence

Finally, Obama has released Chelsea from prison; but only a pardon could undo the precedent set by her unjust conviction

End persecution of Zambian journalist Dr M’membe

Zambian authorities raided Dr Fred M'membe's home; Courage calls for an immediate end to all legal and political persecution against Zambian journalist Dr. Fred M’membe, his lawyer and his family

Britain eyes up its own Espionage Act

Proposals suggest expanding the scope and penalties of laws criminalising truthtellers

Courage Trustees on Chelsea Manning’s commutation

Vivienne Westwood, Renata Avila, and John Pilger react to the news that Obama has commuted the sentence of Chelsea Manning

Alleged Crackas With Attitude associate Justin Liverman signs plea deal

Justin faces up to five years in prison after pleading to one count of conspiracy under the CFAA; sentencing scheduled for 12 May 2017

VIDEO: “Relatively Free” Barrett Brown out of prison and already hard at work

In a new video by Alex Winters, Barrett Brown discusses prison, journalism, and his plans ahead on the six-hour drive to a halfway house near Dallas

Chelsea Manning spends her 7th birthday in prison

Chelsea Manning turns 29 today, as a White House petition calling on President Obama to grant her time served has reached 100,000 signers, forcing the White House to respond