New ‘Traveller on Sunday’ section in The Sunday Age

17 August 2016

Australia’s most trusted and credible source for travel information and inspiration,Traveller, extends further into the Victorian market this Sunday with the launch of ‘Traveller on Sunday’ in The Sunday Age on August 21.

The popular section bolsters the weekend reading experience in The Sunday Age and provides advertisers with an opportunity to reach a targeted, valuable and highly engaged travel-focused audience across NSW and Victoria.

“Advertisers now have a dual state NSW and Victorian travel offering on Saturday and Sunday, extending the existing audience of more than 2.7 million* each month across the Traveller print sections and,” Fairfax Media’s Brands & Audience Director for Life Media, Jodie Smith, said.

Traveller inspires, entices and informs, offering our audience the tools to turn their dreams into a reality and allows advertisers to connect with this highly valuable audience of educated and curious travellers who have the discretionary income to spend on quality travel experiences.”

‘Traveller on Sunday’ in The Sunday Age launches with a new Tip-O-Meter column which draws on readers to contribute their best tips, recommendations and latest travel discoveries.

Popular columns include ‘Everywhere Man’ with Ben Groundwater, ‘Cruise Director’ with Sally MacMillan, ‘Mama Holiday’ with Tracey Spicer, ‘The Tripologist’ with Michael Gebicki and ‘Deals’.

Fairfax Media’s National Travel Editor, Anthony Dennis, said: “I'm delighted that Traveller on Sunday has expanded its reach into Victoria via The Sunday Age. It completes our portfolio of firmly-established, respected and inspirational travel titles - Saturday Traveller in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and Traveller on Sunday in The Sun Herald and now The Sunday Age, as well as, of course, Launching in The Sunday Age is a little like that much desired far-off holiday - long-awaited but well worth the wait.”

Traveller reaches an educated and affluent audience with 53% tertiary educated, 33% Social Grade A and have an average household income of $111,602. The audience is 27% more likely than the Australian population to be high spenders of holidays and airfares; and 67% say they like to experience new and exciting places when travelling.

* Source: emmaTM, conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ for the 12 months ending May 2016. Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly May 2016.

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Fairfax’s network of leading information, marketplaces and entertainment brands provides powerful connections between advertisers and large, diversified audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand. As the trusted voice, Fairfax informs, engages and entertains audiences and communities. Every day Fairfax empowers and enriches the lives of millions of people with independent, quality content and great experiences. 


Rochelle Burbury
Metro - PR Inquiries
Email Rochelle Burbury