South Australia Tourism Commission (SATC) utilized Fairfax’s long read article format to help change perceptions, generating tremendous uplifts in positive associations and intention to visit Adelaide.

The Engagement Power of Long Read Formats:

SATC partnered with Fairfax to promote Adelaide as a short break destination by engaging differently with readers of A series of five long read articles were specially created and written by Fairfax and each were housed on

The articles showcased key areas of Adelaide’s tourism offering such as ‘Eat and Drink’, ‘Cellar Doors’, ‘Cool Adelaide, ‘Markets’ and ‘Urban Getaways’. The key brand messaging was brough to life within each segment via rich photography, quality writing and video integration. Each article was also promoted through ‘drivers’ on the homepage, helping to create awareness amongst a broader audience.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Drive awareness of Adelaide as a short break holiday destination
  2. Boost the profile of Adelaide and the perception that there are a variety of interesting attractions
  3. Increase intention among NSW residents to visit Adelaide on a holiday, especially for a short trip

Campaign Period:

January – April 2014

Target Audience:

People aged 30-49 years with a high disposable income who are interested in (domestic) travel

Research Methodolgy:

A simultaneous capture of control / exposed sample was employed with invitation to complete an online survey launched via site intercept methodology (n=323)

Measurable Results:

  • Brand Awareness Overall, the campaign performed exceptionally well, with custom content helping to deliver greater engagement with the messaging of the campaign and the attractive nature of the articles encouraged peopel to spend time with the content which generated huge uplifts in positive associations to Adelaide and intention to visit. SATC’s ‘long read’ format boosted spontaneous mention of Adelaide as an Australian travel destination with a significant lift of 18.4 points.
  • Brand Favourability and Visitation Intention The campaign was instrumental in generation significant uplifts in positive associations and intention to visit Adelaide. Brand favourability experience a significant lift of +24.7% points and visitation intention also experienced a significant lift of +30% points
  • Brand Attributes The ‘long read’ articles revealed engaging content can enhance messaging. The desired attributes the campaign aimed to convey through its rich photography, quality editorial and video integration were significantly boosted after exposure.
Source: Dynamic Logic Advertising Effectiveness Research May 2014