Fairfax Radio Network - 2UE Case Study: Paul Denny Conveyancing

Paul Denny Conveyancing partnered with FRN’s 2UE as part of their long term radio branding campaign to reach out to and influence the 2UE home buying and property investing audience.  This was achieved by building an entirely new suite of recorded material in conjunction with time and activity driven weekend live executions.

Campaign Objectives:

  • To reinvigorate the long term branding message at risk of growing stale after more than 15 years.
  • To drive weekend property purchasers to use Paul Denny for their conveyancing.

Campaign Period:


Target Audience:

People aged 35-64 years. Home buyers. Property investors. Parents of first home buyers.

Advertising Strategy:

In 2010, Paul moved away from his classic advertising structure. This meant losing the audio logo he had spent over ten years establishing. It was a bold move but in 2012 he felt it was time to return. To do this we needed to inject new life into the brand to ensure it sounded fresh and relevant to contemporary property buyers. We also felt we needed to do more than brand. We wanted to influence property buyers to act during and after each and every weekend.

Creative Execution:

We developed a comprehensive series of entertaining 30 second spots that re-established and expanded on Paul Denny’s classic positioning statement “when all you do is conveyancing, you get very good at it.” It is a powerfully simple message but prone to burning quickly and being easily dismissed. Now with more than eight solid executions involving comparisons to other lifelong passionate pursuits and incorporating the passing of Paul’s 30 year milestone we have been able to keep the message fresh and viable over the long term. For a direct response, we incorporated live reads on the Friday designed to influence the property “hunters” in tandem with live reads on the Monday designed to influence the property “buyers”.

The Results:

  • “In my business it’s important to have a strong brand. I only see my clients every five or six years… so what I’m looking for out of radio advertising is for that awareness to be there at that time so that our name is the first name that comes to mind when they need a conveyancer. I’ve been advertising now for about 20 years. When I first started I advertised on a music station and that worked fine in the long term. It took a long time to get started. 10 years ago I started advertising on 2UE – a talk station – and what staggered me was just how quickly the phones started ringing… So while you get branding in the long term, you do get results as well. That has been my experience. ”
Paul Denny – Paul Denny Conveyancing 2013.


Liam Scullin
Direct Sales Manager
Radio 2UE Sydney
+61 (02) 8570 0157 Email Liam Scullin