Fairfax Media Case Study: Harvey Norman ‘Australian Coffee Week’ Case Study

With the timely occurrence of Coffee Week, Harvey Norman executed a high impact advertising campaign to promote Harvey Norman as a key supplier of coffee machines. Harvey Norman was a major sponsor of ‘The Australian Coffee Week’ feature with this topical alignment to their product driving strong advertising brand recall levels. In addition, Harvey Norman ran a high impact post-it-note advertisement on the front pages of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers with this visually engaging advertising execution driving brand recall levels of 64%.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Increase awareness of Harvey Norman being Australia’s number 1  coffee machine retailer
  • Driving visitation to a Harvey Norman retail store
  • Drive redemption of free coffee mug offer

Campaign Period:

7th October – 20th October, 2013

Research Methodology:

A custom panel approach was utilised for this campaign which involved two stages.  The first part involved surveying people who had read The Sydney Morning Herald on Monday 7th October and The Age on Thursday 10th October (n=1,472). Respondents were asked if they had read the ‘Australian Coffee Week’ feature and about their advertising recall of Harvey Norman being a major sponsor.  The second part involved surveying people who had read The Sydney Morning Herald or The Age on Saturday 12th October (n=1,574). Respondents were asked about their advertising recall of a post-it-note featured that day on the front pages of the newspaper.

Creative Execution:

The Harvey Norman campaign was executed through sponsorship alignment within ‘The Australian Coffee Week’ feature, with front page cover strip, DPS strip and full page ad executions.  The following week a high impact post-in-note advertisement was run on the front pages of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers.

The Results:

  • Overall this campaign proved to be highly successful for Harvey Norman; alignment with ‘The Australian Coffee Week’ feature highlighted the fact that when advertisements are placed in contextually relevant places it increases ad and brand recall. The feature drove an unprompted ad recall of 36%, which almost doubled to 63% when prompted with a copy of the ad. Furthermore, of those prompted with the ad, 51% correctly identified Harvey Norman as the advertiser, with minimal misattribution to any other brand.
  • The high impact post-it-note advertisement was received very positively by readers which resulted in strong advertising recall levels. Close to 40% recalled seeing the advertisement when prompted, with high brand cut through of 64%. This strong brand recall indicates that high impact advertisements are successful in capturing the attention of readers’, balancing visual engagement and attention to detail.
  • The post-it-note advertisement drove action, with 12% of those who recalled seeing the ad intending to or had visited a store to find out more about coffee machines. From an average Saturday readership base, this equated to just under 80,000 people*.
  • Contextually relevant and high impact ad placements in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers results in strong advertisement and brand recall levels.
Sources: GfK Harvey Norman Advertising Effectiveness Study, October 2013. *emmaTM, conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, all people 14yrs+ for the 12 month period ending June 2013. Based on SMH/AGE Sat AIR readership.