Christmas Retail Survey

October 2013

Retail spending habits of Fairfax Media's print and digital audiences over Christmas

With the Christmas season fast approaching, Fairfax Media have gathered and released insights into how print and digital audiences are planning on purchasing Christmas gifts. The survey uncovered insights into the retail spending habits of Fairfax Media’s audience during this time.

Highlights of the survey include:

  • 68% of gifts are purchased at the beginning of December, however close to half (43%) start to purchase gifts in October / November
  • The average total spend on Christmas gifts is $708
  • Close to half (46%) set a budget for Christmas gifts but will go over if they find the perfect gift; and 44% don’t set a budget at all
  • On average Fairfax Media audiences purchase 12 Christmas gifts each. Most gifts are chosen by the buyer (79%) but 40% buy gifts for children based on what the child has requested

To view the full survey results, click the link below:

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