Fairfax Media Case Study: Caltrate Vitamin D

Caltrate partnered with Fairfax Media and the Women’s Network to increase awareness and drive consideration of Caltrate for Vitamin D purchases. Research showed that contextually targeted placements within Daily Life and Essential Baby shifted Caltrate to first place in the competitive set for Vitamin D brands.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Drive awareness of Caltrate Vitamin D
  2. Drive consideration of the Caltrate brand for Vitamin D product purchases
  3. Increase the likelihood to purchase Caltrate Vitamin

Campaign Period:

February 13 to July 13, 2012.

Target Audience:

Females 35-54 years.

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous capture of control/ exposed sample was employed with invitation to complete an online survey launched via site intercept methodology.(n=2,320)

Creative Execution:

The campaign was executed across a number of female targeted Fairfax Metro digital properties including Daily Life, Essential Baby and Weather along with a general run of network execution to reach a broader audience.

The Results:

  • Overall the campaign drove significant lifts in all brand metrics for Caltrate Vitamin D, with brand favourability, brand recommendation and purchase intention showing the strongest lifts.
  • The campaign was most successful in shifting brand awareness, recommendation and consideration metrics amongst the female and 35-44 year old audience.
  • Female’s likelihood to recommend Caltrate Vitamin D shifted significantly and was more than double that of the total exposed sample (+16% pts).
  • The campaign performed above average in driving creative messages that were believable, had useful information and were of relevance to the target audience.
  • After exposure to the online campaign, awareness levels of Caltrate Vitamin D shifted the brand to first place in the competitive set for Vitamin D brands.
Source: Nielsen Advertising Effectiveness Study, April 2012