To support the pre-launch of the new Audi TT model in market, Audi ran a campaign across Fairfax Media’s The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and Brisbane Times tablet app properties. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness of the new Audi TT model and showcase the car’s core features using animated creative that utilised the tablets screen orientation.

The campaign delivered strong results, with those exposed experiencing significant uplifts across ad recall and creative likability demonstrating the strong cut-through that rich media ads on tablet devices can deliver. In addition, the campaign successfully drove directional uplifts across brand preference, research and purchase intent metrics.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Raise awareness of the new Audi TT model
  • Demonstrate the core features and qualities of the new Audi TT model

Campaign Period:
29th January - 22nd February 2015

Research Methodology:
A simultaneous control / exposed survey of online panellists, with the survey covering category involvement, brand and creative diagnostics. Media consumption questions used to calculate the opportunity to see the advertising and determine ad exposure (n=200).

Measurable Results:

  • Strong ad recall, with those exposed to the campaign experiencing a significant uplift of 20% points. This uplift was even stronger at 33% points for those that own(ed) a luxury car, showcasing the campaigns success among those with an interest in the category.
  • The animated creative execution that utilised the tablets screen orientation proved to deliver, with creative likeability increasing by 23% points after campaign exposed.
  • The campaign successfully moved the audience through the purchase funnel, with research and purchase intent experiencing strong directional uplifts, up 31% and 45% respectively after exposure.
Source: TNS, Audi TT, March 2015, n=200.


  • Audi is a brand driven by innovation in everything we do. It's important that we are also looking for engaging and creative solutions in our advertising and this campaign is a strong example of that. The research results clearly demonstrate that tablet advertising delivers a powerful branding impact. The study has provided us with great insights on purchasing consideration and intent and we will be applying these learnings to future planning.

    Kevin Goult
    General Manger - Marketing Communications

Get in touch with us

David Rogers
Commercial Director - Custom
Made by Fairfax Media
+61 (02) 9282 1689 Email David Rogers