Over the Page a.k.a. OTP creative is a polite loading rich media floating creative, which may be automatically activated and displayed within a predefined area of the page.

Please note that OTP ads are served from a medium rectangle ad position, unless our Ad Operations team advises you otherwise. Consequently, the OTP must be accompanied by a standard medium rectangle creative, which will also serve as a leave-behind / reminder ad. Additionally, this leave behind unit will be served on second and consecutive ad impressions – due to the OTP’s frequency capping – as well as a backup ad for cases of browser incompatibility etc.


  • OTP ads must be served by a dedicated third party ad server.
  • The standard 500×500 pixel rectangle OTP must close automatically after 10 seconds, while its larger – so called “full page” (940x550px) – version must close after 7 seconds.
  • Both standard and full-page OTP’s animation are limited to one loop within their respective runtimes.
  • The OTP must terminate if the user clicks on the standard close button.
  • OTP ads are frequency capped at 1 impression / UB / day.
  • Only one OTP creative per placements Rotation is accepted.


OTP ads must be third party served.

Where can this run?

View the “Fairfax Ad Product Site Matrix” to see what sites this product can run.

Lead Times

TIER 2 Rich Media Executions: 5 business days lead time.

Please note that if rich media creative includes non-standard aspects, it will be considered as a TIER 1 “Custom Ad” requiring 10 business days or longer lead time. Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Revision: 7.11

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


Dimensions and Specifications

 Standard OTPFull Page OTP
HTML5 file size100 KB100 KB
Backgroundfully opaquefully opaque
Run time10 seconds7 seconds
Frequency Capping1 impression / UB / day1 impression / UB / day
Accompanying creative
Ad TypeStandard Medium Rectangle, unless advised otherwise by a member of the Ad Operations Team.

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