FD Exact is Fairfax's email marketing platform, segmenting subscribers across the entire Fairfax network. FDExact segments over 1.8 million consumers on our database, using gender, age group, postcode and socio-economic information, to find your exact target market.

Unlike other email campaigns that charge you at a "cost per delivered" rate, FDExact is so confident of you reaching an engaged audience that fits your targeted criteria that we only charge at a "cost per open" rate. Now you can enjoy advertorial creativity on a reliable platform with the added bonus of communicating to Australia's most engaged and valuable audience with a "cost per open" model.

eDM categories

  1. News
  2. Entertainment and Life & Style
  3. Sport
  4. Traveller
  5. Parenting and Daily Life
  6. Business
  7. Finance
  8. Technology
  9. Classifieds


In addition to the Fairfax Advertising Terms:

  1. FD Exact eDM creative must be supplied 10 business days prior to the proposed send date. If this is not achievable Fairfax Media must be informed at least 12 days before the proposed send date. Fairfax Media will not accept creative any later than 6 business days prior to the proposed send date. Failure to meet these deadlines will delay the delivery of the send and may incur extra charges.
  2. Shifting campaign send dates or adjustment of criteria once the campaign has been booked will incur a charge of $200 per change.
  3. Any changes made to the campaign (excluding cancellations) within 5 business days prior to the proposed send date will incur a charge of $200 per change.
  4. Cancellations of campaigns within 5 business days prior to the proposed send date will incur a charge of 10% of the campaign value.
  5. FD Exact eDM creative must follow the spec guidelines and meet the requirements as provided in the eDM checklist. The html supplied to Fairfax Media must be the final version including any click tracking tags required. Any amendments of the creative Fairfax Media are requested to make on behalf of the client will be charged at $100 per hour.
  6. The eDM checklist must be returned to Fairfax Media with the eDM creative otherwise the campaign will not proceed.
  7. FD Exact eDMs are charged on Cost-Per-Open (CPO) basis – This is the cost per unique email opened. CPO reporting will occur at the end of the campaign period which is 5 business days after the date of the send.
  8. There is a minimum spend of $5000 per FD Exact eDM campaign.
  9. Before any campaign, Fairfax Media will forecast the number of opens to be delivered. If the campaign does not meet this forecast, Fairfax Media may decide to rebate the dollar value for the unachieved opens or conduct another campaign to meet the target.


  • A compelling offer to our targeted audience
  • Co-branded messaging (e.g. “ACME Company is pleased to offer smh.com.au subscribers…”)
  • Multiple, clickable calls to action. Provide your own tracking links


  • Content must be supplied in HTML
  • email body width: 600 pixels
  • total file weight (including HTML, CSS, images): 50KB
  • We cannot accept emails built with CSS in the header tags or that include flash or forms!
  • It is assumed that all HTML creative files submitted to Fairfax Digital for deployment are final and have correct click destination URLs or tracking tags impliented.
  • Use HTML tables for layout. Tables control the design layout and presentation.
  • Use Standard Inline CSS. Do not design your HTML as a web page. Most web-based email clients strip Header CSS
  • When we receive your email, we will co-brand it using our standard header and footer and we will add a sentence that introduces your offer to our subscribers. Alternatively, you may wish to include this yourself. This line should be at the start of the email and read something along the lines of “ACME Company is pleased to offer smh.com.au subscribers…”


  • Explicitly define colour values as email clients may have different default colours which vary from web browsers.
  • All image tags should include width and height attributes as stretched images will not render correctly in some email clients.
  • <div> tags as the box model is not supported by a majority of e-mail clients and should be avoided. Tables should be used for e-mail layout. Also, avoid using rowspan as it won’t render consistently.
  • It is recommended to set cellpadding and cellspacing to 0 on the table elients.
  • Line-breaks (<br />) should be used instead of paragraphs (<p>) to ensure a more consistent rendering.
  • Use blank <td>s with spacer images or alignment techniques with nested tables where necessary instead of padding or margin attributes as some email clients do not support them.


  • There are many different types of email programs and it is likely your email will display differently across each of them. For this reason we ask you not to put CSS in the header tags or link to a CSS file since many email programs will not recognise it.
  • You may wish to use standard in-line CSS coded HTML e.g. <span style=”font-weight:bold; …etc…”> as opposed to <span class=”style 5″>. If so, please refer to the attached guide from Campaign Monitor which details the programs that support CSS.
  • Please note, Outlook 2007 uses Word 2007 to display HTML email and not Internet Explorer, which strips out all CSS. Our advice is to keep your email design simple to ensure your email will appear as intended.


Tailor your message -Your email campaign should cater to the different needs and circumstances of your target audience. Rather than treating everyone the same, consider how you could speak to different groups in different ways to improve your response.

Get to your point quickly -Your offer and call to action should stand out and be mentioned multiple times throughout your email. Don’t use too many words – people tend to skim read emails and saying too much often means a lower response. Only tell them what is important and put all the other details on your landing page.

What’s the offer? -Think about why people would want to read your email – what’s in it for them?

Avoid relying on images -Many people have images turned off so make sure when you design your email that they can still read what you have to say and click on your links. We recommend that all copy appears as HTML rather than embedded in images. Images should only take up a max 50% of the email content. Background images should be avoided if possible as they will not display correctly in some email clients.


Lead Times

Please contact your Fairfax Media representative for further information on lead times.

Revision: 7.00

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


Get in touch with us

Advertising Sales Enquiries
Email Advertising Sales Enquiries
Creative Support
Advertising Operations
Email Creative Support