Mobile expanding banners - just like their desktop counterparts - are user initiated rich media ads. Upon pressing the launching ad unit (normally a standard mobile banner - but could also be from sushi train element) it expands to overlay the page to the dimensions indicated below. The rest of the page is greyed out. A close button (X) in the top right corner can be pressed to close at any time. Please refer to standard close button specs.

Blueprints-IconThis ad unit is a Fairfax Blueprint rich media execution.


Click here to view the Smartphone Expanding Banner on the SMH mobile homepage or scan the below QR code to view directly on your mobile phone.



The Expanding Mobile Banner offers a premium branding experience.

For advertisers, the key benefits of the Expanding Mobile Banner are its ability to drive maximum branding impact by allowing prominence of the advertising message while also providing a larger canvas for creativity and deep audience engagement via high quality imagery.

Product Rules

  • Where can this run? See the SiteMatrix
  • Supported actions:
    • Press to Call (direct connection from the phone to the advertisers call centre)
    • Press to download iOS application (link to page in App store)
    • Press to download pod cast or song from iTunes
    • Press to launch video (video will open and play in the device’s native player)
    • Press to link to your mobile site
    • Press to link to your web site (smart phone browsers are adept at allowing users to view and navigate normal websites.
      [Note that flash components will not be rendered on iOS devices]).
  • Standard Fairfax close button must be incorporated on the top right-hand corner of creatives as standard
  • Either a 300x250px or 300x400px image is supported for the OTP image
  • OTP image can be a maximum of 3 frames, not looping (see table below)


 DimensionsFile SizeFile TypeNotes
Leave Behind Image300x50px (To optimise for HD/Retina displays please supply 600x100px)15KBGIF, JPG, PNG3 frames max, continuous loop is accepted
OTP Image300x250px OR 300x400px (To optimise for HD/Retina displays please supply images 600x500px or 600x800px respectively)40KBGIF, JPG, PNG3 frames max, no looping (1 sequence, settling on frame # 3)


  • Click URL – OTP
  • (Optional) Impression tracking URL
  • OTP image
  • Leave behind image


  • Clicks
    • OTP image (3rd party click tracking URL supported)
  • Impressions (3rd party impression URL supported)

Lead Times

TIER 2: 5 business days lead time.

Fairfax Blueprints and Fairfax custom builds may be subject to minimum spends and/or production costs – refer to your Account Manager for further details

Creative specifications can change at any time – always refer to the AdCentre.