Brand Discover – Article

Brand Discover articles are designed for high impact brand integration. The templates are optimised to maximise user engagement. Our editorial content is developed by Fairfax content specialists. Brand placements include video, photo galleries, large banners or custom creative. All articles are amplified across the Fairfax mastheads and social channels. Please speak to your Fairfax account manager for more information and examples.

Here's an article example


Digital Innovation Services

This is a Digital Innovation execution.

DimensionsFile sizeFile formatNotes
LogoN/AHigh reseps, ai
Static ImageCross platform980 x 550 pxMax 200Kbjpg, png, gif
URL (optional)
To click through to client site. Can include click tag.
VideoMust be supplied as a Youtube ID.
Alternatively we can host it in a FFX Youtube channel and host the video under a semi-private url.
Youtube ID eg.
Photo GalleryImages980 x 550 pxMax 200Kb eachjpg, png, gif5-10 images. 5 images minimum.
CaptionsMax of 100 characters inc spaces.A caption is required for each image


  • Fairfax do not track clicks or interaction rates in creative reveals.
  • Video tracking is supplied in Youtube.
  • No Photo Gallery tracking for individual photo views.


Fairfax reports on standard page metrics like page impressions unique browsers, active engagement time. For more information please contact your Account Manager

Lead Times


Total elapsed lead time for producing a series of Brand Discover articles is in the order of 4-6 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the campaign and turnaround times for approvals. Creative must be provided 10 working days prior to campaign start date. Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


Get in touch with us

Kathryn Wills
Brand Discover Specialist
Fairfax Media
+61 (02) 92823315 Email Kathryn Wills
Creative Support
Advertising Operations
Email Creative Support