General Information

Financial Review BOSS is Australia’s magazine for leaders and high-achievers – and those who wish to learn from them. It was launched in March 2000 as a prestigious and innovative monthly insert in to Friday Australian Financial Review and has since grown to be the magazine of choice for the leaders of Australian business.

Mechanical Specifications

Page Specifications

  • Measurements are given in millimetres and are as height x width.
  • All live copy must be kept within the type area; this includes all text, image, keylines and keycodes.
  • Broken space ads that bleed are designed to centre the type area within the ad space.
  • For type area across the gutter, please allow minimum of 5mm clearance on each side of the spine.
  • Do no use fine borders around the edge of a bleed advert. We cannot guarantee the absolute accuracy of trimming due to the nature of web offset printing processes.
  • Mechanical specifications are subject to change without notice. Please confirm with production.


Fairfax Advertising Production Support
Newspapers & Magazines
1300 666 326 Email Fairfax Advertising Production Support

SizeType Area (mm)Trim Size (mm)Bleed Area (mm)
Page Specifications
Full Page255 x 215275 x 235285 x 245
1/2 horizontal with bleed116 x 215136 x 235146 x 245
1/3 horizontal with bleed72 x 21592 x 235102 x 245
1/4 horizontal with bleed51 x 21571 x 23581 x 245
1/2 page verticle255 x 96275 x 116285 x 126
1/3 vertical with bleed255 x 60275 x 80285 x 90
Junior with bleed154 x 114174 x 134184 x 144
¼ page with bleed116 x 96136 x 116146 x 126
45mm Strip25 x 21545 x 23555 x 245
30mm Strip10 x 21530 x 23540 x 245
Sponsorship Strip10 x 21530 x 23540 x 245
Double page spread255 x 450275 x 470285 x 480
1/2 page spread with bleed116 x 450136 x 470146 x 480
1/3 page spread with bleed72 x 45092 x 470102 x 480
45mm spread25 x 45045 x 47055 x 480
30mm spread10 x 45030 x 47040 x 480
Sponsorship spread10 x 45030 x 47040 x 480

Advertising Material Delivery

Fairfax Media will only accept advertising material that has been submitted via an approved material delivery channel. Please click here for a list of approved delivery methods.

All submitted advertisements will be converted to PDF files using the guidelines created by 3DAP. These guidelines are published at the web site

The delivery and receipt of advertising material to Fairfax Media is via an automated workflow. Please note that material instructions entered into delivery channels are not reviewed and as a result should be communicated to your Fairfax Media sales team.

Booking number

There are a number of mandatory fields that must be entered prior to acceptance of your advertisement via an approved material delivery channel. One of these fields is the material ID or booking number. Please contact your Fairfax Media sales team to obtain the booking number for your insertion.

Storage and Repeats

Please do not send artwork more than 4 days prior to the advertising material deadline. Fairfax Media will store digitally supplied material for a period of three months. Repeat ads may be co-ordinated with the Fairfax Media sales team using the booking number relevant to the required publication date, however, it is advisable to resend the advertising material for each schedule to ensure that you run the material you require.

Preparing Artwork

Click on the links below to download instructions for creating PDFs.

  • Click here for InDesign PDF instructions.
  • Click here for Illustrator PDF instructions.
  • Click here for Acrobat job options / PDF presets

Export to PDF from InDesign and Illustrator or convert an EPS file into a PDF using Adobe Acrobat Distiller job options. Click here to download the magazine job options.

PhotoShop Colour Settings File

A colour settings file (.csf) has been developed for PhotoShop image conversion from RGB to CMYK or RGB to Greyscale. In converting the image this file will also adjust the maximum ink weight and incorporate grey component replacement (GCR) settings.

  • Click here to download the magazine colour settings file (.csf).
  • Click here to download the magazine .icc profile.


Proofs should provide an accurate representation of the intended print result and are necessary for us to ensure colour accuracy on press. For this reason, Fairfax Media will only accept 3DAP v.3.0 compliant proofs. If you choose not to supply a digital proof, Fairfax Media cannot be held responsible if the printed result varies from what the client has approved. To produce adequate digital proofs we require 3DAP v.3.0 approved digital proofs (see

Print Specifications

Iso Category Paper Type 1
Process Computer to Plate. Four colour process
Screen ruling: 133lpi
Dot structure: Round
Screen angles: Cyan 15 degrees
Magenta 45 degrees
Yellow 90 degrees
Black 75 degrees
Print Sequence: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow

Colour Guidelines

Spot Colour

This is achieved by using the four colour printing process (i.e. PMS colours must be broken down into CMYK process).

Process Colour

Colour specified in percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow and black.

Dot Gain

Dot gain is not a fault of web offset printing, but rather a characteristic. The dot gain can to some extent be accommodated in production but there are some things, outlined below, that can help.

All material should compensate for dot gain of up to 15-20% in the 50% dot area. Ensure midtones are lighter and have more contrast to compensate for the above dot gain.

Highlights can also muddy if there is a black dot visible, which will also gain on press. The first printing highlights should be:

First printing highlight3%2%2%0%
MidtonesAllow for up to 15-20% dot gain
ShadowRange from 280-340% for cover stock

Grey Balance

Maintaining Grey balance throughout the separation is extremely important for quality four-colour reproduction.
Separations without neutral Grey’s will reproduce with perceivable colour casts on press. As a general rule for magazine reproduction, Grey balance requires slightly more cyan relative to less amounts of magenta to yellow.

Four Colour Mono Images

Four colour mono images have a tendency to reproduce with colour and tonal shifts and often the result differs to the original proof. We suggest using an achromatic, or GCR, set-up. Increasing the use of black and reducing the other three colours will result in a more neutral image that will reduce the risk of tonal and colour shifts on press.

Total Saturation

The total saturation for process colour material should range from 280-300%. This helps compensate for dot gain and allows for maximum shadow detail with minimum ink set-off.

Saturation exceeding 300% will not result in darker shadows on magazine stock. It simply leads to excessive set-off and causes shadow areas to plug; thus reducing printed shadow detail.

Any single colour not intended to print solid should not exceed 80%. We recommend that large areas of black be at least two colour (100% black, 60% cyan) or four colours.


San serif typefaces are the best choice for reproduction. They reproduce easily with desired readability. Typefaces with thin or delicate serifs and strokes should be avoided. Extremely fine strokes can drop out, while thick strokes can plug on the press.

Because of the ink and stock relationship, small type tends to lose definition on the press. Coloured type or solid backgrounds can print using a single colour at 100%. Should a second or third colour be required, these extra colours should be limited to 95%, keeping within the total ink limit of 300%. This will allow the ink to trap on the press and result in a consistent and balanced printing.

For legibility reasons, consideration should be given when attempting to reproduce type as a light screen tint. For best results, avoid screening type styles with a fine to medium weight and those with serifs.

For optimum results it is suggested that type not overprint a background screen (tint or ghosted image) greater than 30% visual density. This allows for dot gain and provides necessary contrast between text matter and the background image.

Typefaces in reverse

  • Typefaces in four colours should be sans serif and bold, no smaller than 10pt.
  • Type with serifs or screens, reversed out of a four colour image or colour, should be 10pt or greater in size, otherwise the material will not be accepted. This allows for slight variances in register while maximising legibility.
  • Any reverse type should be limited to two colours maximum. For contrast and readability, reverse type should not be positioned within screened areas less than 50%, or in yellow or other light coloured backgrounds.

Line Art

  • Minimum width 0.125mm (0.005 inch) with a maximum of two colours overprinting.
  • Avoid line art less than 1 pt.

Lead Times

AFR BOSS is inserted into The Australian Financial Review on the second Friday of every month. Advertising material is required Friday, 4 weeks prior to publication date. Material received after deadline is automatically viewed as out of specification

Revision: 7.14**FRG

Disclaimer: Whilst internal production processes may verify that material is within specifications the onus is firmly on the tradehouse to supply material within specification. It is also a requirement of our specifications that advertising material be delivered on time so quality checking procedures can take place. Late material is liable to incur additional production costs. Fairfax Media reserves the right to refuse any material that does not meet our specifications