Blueprints-IconThis ad unit is a Fairfax Blueprint rich media execution.


Click here to view the Big Unit demo video.


The Big Unit enables advertisers to own a web page with a large-format ad which, for the first time, has complete functionality built into it, allowing consumers to watch videos or download images from within the ad while never leaving the web page they are viewing.

For advertisers, the key benefits of the Big Unit are its ability to drive maximum branding impact by allowing prominence of the advertising message while also providing a larger canvas for creativity and deep audience engagement via content such as social and signup tools, videos, photo galleries and interactive maps.

Product Rules

  • Where can this run? See the SiteMatrix
  • must be bought together with the top position medium rectangle and leaderboard units
  • maximum five modules per execution (excluding top and bottom branding)
  • maximum two instances of the same type of module per execution



Depending on which modules you select for your Big Unit, the below Specification section will help guide you on what you may need to supply.

  • Fairfax support 3rd party built Big Units. Please refer to applicable 3rd party adserver for build guides/specs


  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • Rich Media reporting
    Big Unit reporting is dependent on what modules are selected to run. A full list of reporting available on request
    • Exits (clicks)
      • Per module, some modules support multiple click through’s
      • A full list of reporting available on request
    • Counters
      • Click to full screen Video / Photo gallery
      • Sushi Train swipes
      • A full list of reporting available on request
    • Timers
      • A full list of reporting available on request
    • Video Events
      • Quartiles (Start, 25%, 50%, 75%, complete)
      • Player controls (Play, Pause etc.)
      • A full list of reporting available on request

Lead Times

TIER 1 Custom executions, bespoke solutions and where advised: 10 business days lead time or longer.

Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking. Creative produced by Fairfax’s creative team may incur production costs and requires approval by Digital Innovation Services (DIS) prior to an Insertion Order (IO) being signed. DIS will advise of production costs, asset delivery lead times on a case by case basis.

Revision: 7.10

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


There are a number of components listed below to compose your Big Unit sidebar-takeover. These components are selected to present any form of digital marketing material. You may mix and match and order them freely within the framework or contact your account manager to discuss further customisation options.

The number of modules included in any given execution is five in addition to the top and bottom branding areas.

(w * h) pixels
File TypeFile WeightNotes
Background300 x 1515PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNGNAFixed width, maximum height. The background image seamlessly wraps all components of the big unit into a single, multifunctional experience. Each component (as listed below) is designed at 280px width to allow 10px wrapping on either side, which creates the complete unit’s look and feel as a coherent whole.

(w * h) pixels
File TypeFile WeightNotes
Branding280 x 75PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNGNAHeader branding may be clickable

Photo Gallery
(w * h) pixels
File TypeFile WeightNotes
Gallery Framework280 x 250NANAImage gallery consists of two phases, the 280 x 250 gallery tile and the full page, lightbox style expansion to present the gallery content (see next row). The full page gallery presenter includes branding (a single logo) using identical image sources to the branding used in the header section of the unit.
Gallery Images780 x 512JPG100KB / image (TBC!)Gallery Images are to be delivered as optimised JPG images, ready to be imported. Minimum 5, maximum 20 images.

Video Player
(w * h) pixels
File TypeFile WeightNotes
Player280 x 220NANAThis component is a derivative of the Full Page Video Countdown (FPVC). Read on for better understanding of the product and its advantages
Content600 x 338Preferred format is .MOV – using commonly available codecs, such as:
  • H264
  • MPEG2
  • MPEG4
  • WMD
  • DV
    Alternatively you may submit your video assets in standard Fairfax video formats
  • See the standard Fairfax video specificationsVideo may be presented inline, within the base unit or in a full page, lightbox-style overlay.

    Sushi Train
    (w * h) pixels
    File TypeFile WeightNotes
    Framework280 x 250NANAThis component is a derivative of the digital sushitrain. Read on for better understanding of the product and its advantages.
    Content130 x 138PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNGall slides total: 100KBMinimum 5, maximum 10 slides

    Mini Modules
    (w * h) pixels
    File TypeFile WeightNotes
    Social Tools280 x 180PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNGtotal: 20KBFollow and share links to popular social networking sites, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, LinkedIn etc
    Static Tiles280 x 250PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNG20KB / eaSingle call to action and click-through URL
    Footer280 x 75PSD, AI, all included fonts as well as a compressed, optimised JPG or PNGNAFooter branding may be clickable