Honda CR-V Series 2 Ad Effectiveness Study

Honda partnered with Fairfax Media to drive awareness and consideration of their new Honda CR-V Series 2 model. A series of high reaching placements on Fairfax Media’s desktop and mobile masthead’s including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times, Canberra Time and WA Today successfully reached wider audiences and significantly shifted brand and ad awareness. More targeted placements on Drive, Essential Baby and Essential Kids were instrumental in moving audiences through the pointier end of the purchase funnel, with significant lifts in brand favourability and purchase intent.

Campaign Objectives:

  • Drive brand awareness of the Honda CR-V Series 2
  • Drive purchase intent of the Honda CR-V Series 2

Campaign Period:
August – November 2015

Research Methodology:
For the desktop respondents, a simultaneous control / exposed methodology was employed, with a survey launching upon exposure to the campaign (Total desktop sample; n = 501. Control: n = 252, Exposed: n = 249).
For the mobile component, control respondents were recruited before the campaign commenced during a window between major campaigns on the Fairfax Media mobile network (Total mobile sample: n = 699. Control: n = 280, Exposed: n = 419).

Measurable Results:

  • The campaign proved memorable with audiences exposed to both the desktop and mobile elements experiencing strong lifts in ad recall of 13% points* and 8% points respectively.
  • Placements on Fairfax Media’s desktop and mobile masthead’s including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Brisbane Times, Canberra Time and WA Today significantly shifted brand awareness by up to 16% points*
  • Targeted placements on Drive were instrumental in moving audiences through the pointier end of the purchase funnel, with significant lifts in brand favourability and purchase intent of up to 17% points*
Source: Millward Brown Ad Index Honda CR-V Campaign, January 2016. *Statistical significance at 90% confidence levels.