The Christmas Retail Audience Study explored the Christmas purchasing habits of Fairfax Media audiences and how various media sources provide inspiration and provide assistance along their purchase journey. A few key findings are as follows:

  • A third of Fairfax Media audiences begin to plan their Christmas gifts from October, converting to purchases in early December. Only 1-in-3 do their gift shopping in the week before Christmas.
  • Gift inspiration mainly occurs during passive media browsing during the evening with close to 4-in-10 of Fairfax Media audiences finding gift inspiration while browsing on their tablet device.
  • Mobile browsing plays a big part in gift purchasing. Although majority (82%) purchase gifts online via their PC / laptop, a third will buy Christmas gifts using their tablet device. Mobility is being driven by the convenience of shopping outside of store opening hours and for seeking price comparisons.
  • Christmas is a time of year that audiences are likely to be more indulgent, with two-thirds purchasing more premium food and drink brands than any other time of year.

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