Adventure World Case Study

Adventure World ran a visually impressive online campaign with Fairfax Media’s Traveller website to help increase awareness of the brand and to inspire travellers to experience Adventure World destinations.

The campaign ran as a number of creative executions on the Traveller website including high impact homepage buyouts, sponsorship of the Adventure World section, and a series of branded advertorials designed to showcase Adventure World’s offering in an engaging format. Adventure World branded content - being imagery, videos, social media links, brochure links and a ‘discover now’ call to action, were housed online within advertorial templates in the form of a hub for multiple pieces of content.

 The campaign was successful in reaching the target audience of affluent Australians aged 35+ with an interest in adventure travel. Exposure to the campaign also moved several key brand success measures, including Message Association, Brand Favourability, as well as producing uplift in brand attributes such as Inspiration.

Campaign Objectives:

  • To increase brand awareness of Adventure World
  • To inspire travellers to experience Adventure World destinations

Campaign Period:

1st January 2015 to 31st March 2015

Research Methodology:

A simultaneous control / exposed survey of online panellists, with the survey covering category involvement, brand and creative diagnostics. Total Sample: n=896 (Control n=211, Exposed n=685). Control respondents are weighted to match exposed sample on key demographics.

Target Audience:

People aged 35+ in AB socioeconomic brackets with a secondary target of people with an interest in adventure travel

Measurable Results:

  • Traveller was the ideal environment for this campaign, with over 2-in-3 respondents belonging in the target of people aged 35 years+ with an interest in soft adventure holidays. The Traveller campaign was successful in shifting positive Message Association of the Adventure World tagline ‘Experience the Extraordinary’, producing a significant +3.7% point* lift. This result is above average compared to benchmark norms of global online travel campaigns. The Adventure World campaign on Fairfax Media’s Traveller site was very effective in driving inspiration to travel, with a significant +3.8% points* lift in the brand attribute of ‘Inspires me to go on a travel adventure’.
Source: Millward Brown Brand Lift Insights Advertising Research, June 2015. *Represents statistically significant differences at 90% confidence levels.