Environment: Content from Across the ABC

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News Online 12 Dec 2015

US president Barack Obama and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop hail the landmark accord reached in Paris as a "pivotal moment" and the best chance to save the planet from the effects of climate change. More

News Online 13 Dec 2015
Sara Phillips 15 Sep 2015

Malcolm Turnbull has toppled the party leader and sitting Prime Minister to assume the top job. For Australians worried about climate change, there's hope he'll be stronger on climate than his predecessor. More

Lateline 22 Feb 2017

In the United States, hacktivists are racing to save critical climate science data they fear will be erased by the new Trump administration. Michael Vincent reports. More

Lateline 22 Feb 2017

In the United States, hacktivists are racing to save critical climate science data they fear will be erased by the new Trump administration. Michael Vincent reports. More

Lateline 22 Feb 2017

Jeremy Fernandez speaks to former US Republican Congressman Bob Inglis about the potential changes to climate science policy under Donald Trump's administration. More

7.30 22 Feb 2017

A team of international scientists is hoping to discover whether meltwater is speeding up the disintegration of the Antarctic's glaciers. More

7.30 20 Feb 2017

The Turnbull government is looking at increasing the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax in a move to garner some extra revenue ahead of the release of the Federal Budget in May. More

PM 24 Feb 2017

Australia's chief scientific research organisation has launched a fierce defence of plans to release a herpes virus into the nation's… More

PM 24 Feb 2017

The population of the endangered Carnaby's Black Cockatoo has been dwindling for decades, but there are now fears the number of remai… More

PM 24 Feb 2017

In the last 30 years, half of the world's coral reefs have been destroyed, according to the Ocean Agency. Their new global initiative… More

Pacific Beat 24 Feb 2017


Pacific Beat 24 Feb 2017


The World Today 24 Feb 2017

The botanical equivalent of Noah's Ark has been updated to include tens of thousands more plant species. The Global Seed Vault on the… More

On the Wider Web

The technique is used to determine the age of organic artefacts in fields like archaeology, geology, and ecology. But it could become unreliable within decades.
Using data from WRI’s CAIT Climate Data Explorer, this dynamic graph below allows you to explore emissions data for 2012.

Running out of time

(external link)
Three runners attempt to run 160km through remote wilderness to raise money for climate change.


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Spit, tears, and rain at the Museum of Water

Amy Sharrocks holds one of her samples. (Supplied: Ruth Corney)

Amy Sharrocks is bringing her strange collection of various liquid to Australia.