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- Remember Robert Bryan 1976–2002 -  

September 6th, 2006

Santa Cruz Earth First! and Free Radio Santa Cruz sponsor Buffalo Field Campaign Road Show -
Wednesday, September 6th at 7:00 PM at
The Louden Nelson Center, 301 Center St. at the corner of Laurel and Center in downtown Santa Cruz.

About the Buffalo Field Campaign:

Buffalo in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem are not protected on their year-round habitat. Yellowstone Park does not provide sufficient winter range for the resident herds of wildlife. Due to the deep snow, animals are forced to leave the park in order to find adequate forage for winter survival. When the buffalo follow their instincts and migrate to lower elevations, they enter a conflict zone where the politics of Montana directly clash with their survival needs. During the winter of 1996-97, the Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) slaughtered almost 1,100 Yellowstone buffalo when they crossed the arbitrary park boundary into the state. These killings, combined with deaths from the unusually severe winter, resulted in a loss of nearly two-thirds of the herd. That winter , the state of Montana and federal officials learned that they could no longer kill buffalo with impunity. Buffalo Nations (Now Buffalo Field Campaign), a non-profit grassroots coalition of Native American and non-Native environmentalists formed under the leadership of Michael Mease, videographer and founder of Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers, and Lakota activist Rosalie Little Thunder, with Seventh Generation Fund. Our daily patrols and grassroots advocacy made it clear to the DOL that they would be held accountable for their actions. Everyday we stand with buffalo who are outside of the park from before sunrise until sunset.

Click here for more information.

Timber Harvest Plan status can be found at:

THP Status Page

The actual THP files can be found at:




© 2000 Earth First! Santa Cruz
Last revision: 01/30/01
URL: http://members.cruzio.com/~cruzef