Steve Mnuchin signals Donald Trump in no hurry to brand China a forex manipulator

In an apparent contradiction of comments by his Treasury Secretary, President Donald Trump says he thinks the Chinese ...
In an apparent contradiction of comments by his Treasury Secretary, President Donald Trump says he thinks the Chinese 'are grand champions at manipulation of currency. So I haven't held back ... We'll see what happens.' AP
by Steven Holland

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin signalled no urgency to designate China a currency manipulator, saying he wants to use a regular review of foreign-exchange markets to determine if the US's largest trading partner is cheating.

But then in a separate interview shortly afterwards with Reuters, his boss in the Oval Office, disagreed with that assessment.

President Donald Trump declared China the "grand champions" of currency manipulation. He said he has not "held back" in his assessment that China manipulates its yuan currency, despite not acting on a campaign promise to declare it a currency manipulator on his first day in office.

"Well they, I think they're grand champions at manipulation of currency. So I haven't held back," Trump said. "We'll see what happens."

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says there will be no announcement on currency manipulation by China before the ...
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says there will be no announcement on currency manipulation by China before the Treasury's April report, contradicting Donald Trump's earlier pledge to name China a manipulator on the first day of his administration. Olivier Douliery

During his presidential campaign Trump frequently accused China of keeping its currency artificially low against the dollar to make Chinese exports cheaper, "stealing" American manufacturing jobs.

Asked in an MSNBC interview if the US Treasury was planning to name China a currency manipulator any time soon, Mnuchin said he would follow its normal process of analysing the currency practices of major U.S. trading partners.

The Treasury is required to publish a report on these practices on April 15 and Oct. 15 each year.

"We have a process within Treasury where we go through and look at currency manipulation across the board. We'll go through that process. We'll do that as we have in the past," Mnuchin said in his first televised interview since formally taking over the department last week.

"We're not making any judgments until we go continue that process."

A formal declaration that China or any other country manipulates its currency requires the U.S. Treasury to seek negotiations to resolve the situation, a process that could end in punitive tariffs on the offender's goods. The US Treasury designated Taiwan and South Korea as currency manipulators in 1988, the year that Congress enacted the currency review law. China was the last country to get the designation, in 1994.

The current situation is complicated because China's central bank has spent billions of dollars in foreign exchange reserves in the past year to prop up the yuan to counter capital outflows.

The International Monetary Fund said last year that the yuan's value was broadly in line with its economic fundamentals. The U.S. Treasury also said in its last currency report in October that its view of China's external imbalances had improved somewhat.

Debt questions

Mnuchin will also explore issuing debt maturing in more than 30 years to cushion the effect of rising interest rates. With rates expected to be historically low for a long period of time, it "makes sense" for the Treasury to explore 50- and 100-year maturities, he said in a CNBC interview earlier on Thursday. While the Federal Reserve has signalled that rates may go up this year, it's "really about where we are not relative to just today, but where we are relative to interest rates over a long period of time," he said.

Treasury officials under the Obama administration were focused on extending the average maturity of US debt holdings to lock in historically low rates since the financial crisis, but weren't willing to introduce securities with maturities beyond the current maximum of 30 years. Given the previous administration's goal of keeping issuance regular and predictable in the $US13.8 trillion ($17.94 trillion) Treasuries market, policymakers have been reluctant to join countries such as Belgium, Canada, France and the UK that have issued debt coming due in as long as 100 years.

'Serious Issue'

"We'll reach out to the market, investors, different people but I think it's something that is a very serious issue" that we should explore, he said in a CNBC interview earlier on Thursday.

He also said said the administration's internal scoring of its tax plan would assume higher growth economic growth projections than an evaluation by the Congressional Budget Office. The Treasury has a team of more than 100 people working to run its own scenarios, he said. The CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation typically provide estimates on the budgetary effects of proposed tax legislation.

Trump's preliminary growth forecasts were more positive than projections made by independent agencies and private forecasters. Mnuchin sees the impact of tax cuts feeding into the economy in late 2018, reiterating his goals of reaching at least 3 per cent growth.

Border adjustment

Mnuchin also said he is looking closely at border adjustments, which would tax US businesses' domestic sales and imported goods while exempting their exports. The border-adjusted tax is a centrepiece of House Speaker Paul Ryan's tax plan because it would raise revenue and help offset income tax cuts.

Ryan's plan is to replace the corporate income tax with a new, "border-adjusted" levy on US companies' domestic sales and imports. The proposal has stirred sharp divisions among businesses: Retailers, automakers and oil refiners that rely on imported goods and materials oppose it, while export-heavy manufacturers support it.

The Treasury chief said he has "some concerns" with the border-adjusted tax. Ryan and House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady have been struggling to gain support for the proposal from other Republicans. The border-adjusted tax is also under attack from retailers and other industries that rely on imported goods.

with Bloomberg
