Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

RAC’s Purpose

Purpose of RAC

*RAC stands for the humane and dignified treatment of asylum seekers and refugees in accordance with Australia’s international and humanitarian obligation. This includes, however, is not limited to the following:

  • Allowing people who arrive by boat seeking asylum in Australia to live and work in the community while their claims are being processed rather than being forcibly detained in Australia or sent overseas to Papa New Guinea, Nauru or other countries.
  • Providing permanent protection and not discriminating against refugees on the basis of their documentation, means of arrival or ethnicity.
  • By providing fair and speedy assessment of asylum claims in Indonesia and Malaysia and the guaranteed timely settlement in Australia of those determined to be refugees.
  • Advocating for a generous approach to accepting refugees based on the wealth of our country which welcomes refugees for their positive contribution to the betterment of Australia’s economy, culture and society.

In More Detail
*The Refugee Action Collective will continue to fight for the human rights of asylum seekers and refugees and calls on the Australian Government to:

  • End mandatory detention of asylum seekers that violates their basic human rights and contravenes UN conventions to which Australia is a signatory
  • End all offshore processing of asylum seekers; close Manus, Nauru and Christmas Island detention centres
  • Abolish Temporary Protection Visas and provide permanent protection to refugees
  • Stop looking for other so called solutions on the soil of sovereign states in our neighbourhood
  • Cease deporting asylum seekers to countries where they can face persecution, torture and death
  • Urgently remove all children from detention together with their parents to enable them to have a normal childhood and education
  • Review all ASIO assessments and cease indefinite detention
  • Restore appeal rights to the courts for all asylum seekers
  • Compensate all who have suffered as a result of their detention enduring physical and psychological harm
  • Fully implement all UN conventions that protect the human rights of asylum seekers
  • Accept 30,000 refugees per year as a demonstration of Australia’s real capacity to make a difference for those who seek protection
  • Decriminalise people smuggling and commit to all treaties dealing with safety of lives at sea.