Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

General Operation of RAC

Day to Day Operation of RAC

The Refugee Action Collective meets once a week on Monday evenings at 6.30 pm at ANF House 540 Elizabeth Street Melbourne to discuss agendas.

Present at the meetings are:

  • Chairperson
  • Minute taker
  • Activists / Spokespersons
  • The treasurer or assistant treasurer *
  • Social media administrators
  • RAC members and invitees

The social media administrators are elected by the collective and have the discretion to update and maintain the integrity of RAC’s social media. Other members are responsible for maintaining the integrity of RAC’s member data base and updating our contact lists. Other short term responsibilities (e.g. contacting a speaker, investigating a policy, designing a poster) are allocated throughout the meeting.

We have two email lists; one for contacts who want to hear updates and be notified of events, and an organising list for members who want to be involved in decisions and debates about how we respond to different actions.

The meeting minutes are distributed to the RAC member list by the minute taker, usually within 48 hours.

The treasurer / assistant treasurer provides a weekly report of donations and stall receipts.

The collective will accept agenda topics proposed by RAC members, but the priorities on the agenda will be decided by the collective.

When appropriate, sometimes the meeting will divide into working groups who will discuss and plan a project and then report back to the group.

Meeting attendees have the voting rights on any proposals put forward on the agenda, and decisions that must be taken outside of meetings are made as far as possible by consensus over email.

All RAC members have the opportunity and are encouraged to participate and lead in any of the responsibilities. All roles are rotating with the exception of the treasurer.