Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

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General enquiries
Phone: Chris 0403 013 183
Lucy 0404 728 104
Marg 0417 031 533
Facebook: Refugee Action Collective (Victoria) page.
Twitter: racvictoria
Mail: PO Box 578 Carlton South, Vic 3053.

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RAC meets every Monday at 6.30pm at ANF House, 540 Elizabeth St City
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  1. saacid
    May 19, 2012 @ 06:47:55

    my name said bashi i saty muqdisho iam requesting to australia refugee because somalia have problems so that help me my number 00252615748783


  2. joana
    Jul 20, 2012 @ 00:56:38


  3. Farah
    Oct 06, 2012 @ 12:17:49

    My name is farah i live in somalia i have alot of problems in living here i am requesting help plz


  4. mahdi
    Oct 20, 2012 @ 05:31:06

    i am refugee of AU of nauroo i send u new news


    • Steph
      Mar 31, 2015 @ 05:28:36

      Hi Mahdi,

      I’m writing an article on refugees from Nauru and their experiences. I was wondering you would be interested in getting in contact with me for a chat?



  5. Updinasir
    Jan 04, 2013 @ 21:07:01

    Am call by name updinasir i have been in kenya specialy in refugee camps for almost 13 horrible yrs as areader you can gues how is hardship being in refugee. Am student attending this grade 10th in high school i dont know wether i wil compelete my high schol level or not because of financial problem i don have father as he was the foundermental base of our life. God is the only one whose mercy, assistance and so on is wide upon his servents. Me my target is not only to go there and enjow life but if i can get some one who can gurantee that he wil pay ma schol fee and further on my univesty enven in kenya is nice and wel. Wish you wil consider my request. Thnkz


  6. hussein
    Mar 22, 2013 @ 05:06:45

    Hi My Name is Hussein Al Sadani I am a 16 years old boy from iraq i live in manus island camp with my family i want to explain you my situation. we were living here like whole families, we dont have anything but were together but last week they separated me and my father from my mother and sister.
    they transfered my mom and my sister to Adelaid cause of my sister’s sickness. I can’t live without them.I’m depression and can’t eat food. please help me to be with my family.
    Is it legally to separate children from their parents??please help thank you for reading my massage please answer me on my email this is my email.


  7. Ishaq
    Apr 25, 2013 @ 21:27:59

    Dear Human Right Australia,

    I was applied for Offshore Humanitarian Department of Immigration & Citizenship Melbourne, vide File No.OSF2011/072616 dated 20th December,2011 and my file was transferred to Australian Consulate General Dubai, for further Assessment from 20th December 2011, We are waiting still for decision in Turkey. we left our Homeland country due to terrible situation Targeted our sect and Threat for my family members, Now we are in trouble here in Turkey, neither we go back our Homeland country nor going forward due to the decision of our future, Our school going children are badly effected without education I hope that your Human Right Australia do favor us sympathetically, our genuine case before the Honorable court of Immigration for our migration. During my Asylum Seeker period from June 9th Dubai and November 2012, in Turkey we are in trouble without shelter, Health facilities and Education for our Children.

    Waiting for your favorable reply.Regards


  8. Erika Stahr
    Apr 28, 2013 @ 02:22:20

    I’m looking for the TAMIL REFUGEE COUNCIL mentioned in the Age on 27 April but can’t find a network for it.


  9. Erika Stahr
    Apr 28, 2013 @ 02:24:12

    I’m looking for the Tamil Refugee Council mentioned in the Age on Sat. 27 April but can’t find it Online.


  10. Liz Walsh
    Jun 03, 2013 @ 02:30:20

    Contact Trevor Grant


  11. Ziggy
    Aug 21, 2013 @ 07:38:03

    Where and what time is the rally on Saturday the 24th held? It originally said the state library on your website but that has been taken off?


    • cbreen
      Aug 27, 2013 @ 03:47:29

      Hi Ziggy, hope you found it, sorry for the stuff up on website, it was 1pm State Library (as is our post election rally on Sept 21 – but our 24hr speak out is federation square, from 12noon sat Aug31))


      Chris Breen


  12. Tope
    Oct 18, 2013 @ 07:32:23

    I don’t really know what to say or how to begin this message but basically I am a 29 year old man who is basically being forced away and separated from his son by your national government. I have only three options of staying in this country, none of which are reasonable given my circumstance. I have lived in Australia on two previous occasions before, once on a working holiday visa and secondly on a student visa which I graduated from deakin university.

    But now that I have a more than legitimate reason to stay here it seems like I cant. I have a 15 month old Aussie son who I truly love and want to be with and take care of and make a responsible member of Aussie society, but my visa options are extremely limited and I don t know why, particularly seeing that on previous occasions, I was able to get into the country without too much fuss. Basically your government wants me to pay sixy-thousand plus Aussie dollars in order to be able to stay and live here permanently with my son. I certainly don’t have that kind of money right fact, who on earth has that kind of money laying around when they are trying to immigrate and that’s what most people put down as a down payment for a home.

    I just don’t understand why I cant stay particularly seeing that I have been offered many jobs but can only work if the employer sponsors me and which hasn’t happened even though so many interviews have gone excellently well, once I open my mouth about sponsorship its a no go.

    So I am asking and begging your organization to please help me stay and to be able to be with my son as I am all out of ideas and don’t know what else I can do.


  13. Adi
    Feb 03, 2014 @ 18:55:50

    Hello! Question for help‏.

    My name is Adi, this days i am traveling and i met a refugee from Irak in Cyprus.
    He made a protest camp but his voice been silenced from getting a media coverage.
    I have his story written, and what problems he is facing. mainly he wants to have a reunion with his familiy, that came to Cyprus as well. he and his familiy do not get basic needs, such as medical help and so on…

    If you have anyway to help, such as:
    you can handle situations like this with legal helping.
    connection to Cyprus refugee activists.
    helping to spread his story.

    please mail me if u can help –
    We will appreciate alot any help or instructions for finding help.

    Thankss alot and have a Magical day!, Adi.


  14. ken trimble
    Feb 18, 2014 @ 08:43:14

    Hi, I am sixty and to be frank I am ashamed to myself Australian. I am sick to death of what has happened and now Manus, I feel I need to do something. I am quite willing if you have a city office to help in any way I can, but i don’t or can’t stand quite a moment more. So please contact me for any sort of voluntary help…………………….best Ken


  15. Tahlia
    May 29, 2014 @ 03:32:58


    My name is Tahlia and I am really sad that you guys have to live that way and have your family being hunted down I am really sorry and I hope your families can get through it and live through everything that has happened to you. So I wish you the best and try with your might to have a great life.



  16. rama
    Jun 18, 2014 @ 21:37:33

    Dear sir,
    greetings to you from Turkey

    I would like to introduce myself, my name is Rama Alsaleh and i am an architect from Aleppo city – Syria.
    I was forced to leave my country for the security of my family and my four year old daughter.
    My husband and I, both architects, have more than five years of experience in Architecture work in syria.

    Today, the only option left for me and my family if we want to secure a future for our daughter and live in a place where we can hope to have a legal status with full rights one day, is to leave this unstable life with no future we are living in Antakya (a turkish city on the border of Syria.)
    Therefore, I am thinking to apply for the refugee program to Australia.
    Due to the high number of Syrians in my situation, if i apply through the regular program number 200, my chances to be accepted are very thin and it will take years without the guarantee that i will be chosen.
    So i am trying to apply for your countries refugee program number 202. For this option i need a proposer to propose me from Australia. And as you might expect i don’t know anyone there.
    So i would like to suggest a way you can help with this problem. If you accept to be my proposer in Australia for the refugee program 202, i will work for this company for free in any position that is needed for as long as one year after my arrival to the country.
    And i will make sure that it will never cost you a dollar and i can transfer any expected costs to your bank account to insure that you will never pay a dollar! Because JRS (Jesuit Refugee Service organization) helped me with the cost of the flight tickets and with the cost of the first three months of living in Australia without any income.
    Please help me.

    you can find below a link for refugee program number 202 :

    looking forward to hear your answer.
    Rama Al Saleh

    Mobile: 00905397885399


  17. Rachel
    Jun 25, 2014 @ 09:25:12

    is there anyway to help someone get out of detention? i used to work for serco on christmas island and i know one client thats been in detention for 6 years.. was moved to Melbourne a few years ago and is basically been left there to die… i wish that someone could just help him get out. Ive talked to him recently and hes just about to give up on life.. what if anything can we do to help??


    • RAC
      Jun 26, 2014 @ 23:27:26

      Hi Rachel, as discussed I will visit your friend to get his whole story and see what we can do




  18. Manuela Vida
    Jul 06, 2014 @ 07:22:54

    I am sick to the stomach of our government inaction or rather nasty nasty secretive way of handling the tragic refugee situation. It is a shameful way for our country to be seen to do this, after all we are ALL migrants or refugees who came to this wonderful land for security, peace and a an honest life!!
    Not enough is being done, and this continued apathy by the majority of the Aussies, is not good enough, it is like condoning the manner in which Morrison and Abbot think they can get away with this disaster.
    PLEASE let’s move on this, let’s march more often, let’s tell them this is not what we voted , or not, nor is it it the AUSTRALIAN WAY. A FAIR GO FOR ALL PEOPLE!!


  19. my name is A bdi
    Aug 04, 2014 @ 13:23:18

    am tefugee in uganda i have allot of proplem in uganda


  20. my name is moha
    Nov 11, 2014 @ 06:58:39

    iI am refuge livin soth Africa I need help
    more story sms


  21. ismail
    Feb 20, 2015 @ 15:15:27

    this letter goes to people and government of Australia I am Somali refugee living In south afrika me and brother have been working small shop but the risedents have looted our small shop and now I am help less no where to work no where to sleep please I am asking this because I need help please I am waiting for your help please would you help me? email::
    number +27630977499


  22. abdi fatah
    Mar 12, 2015 @ 23:41:08

    hello my name is Abdi fatah i am living in kenya i am 19 years old i am in high school form 2 i am from somali i am those fleeing conflict and violence i am not in refugee but i have many problems i lost my family i don’t know where they i live with my friends that is why i am asking help sometimes i get stress becouse of my parent i don’t know where they are so help me for this difficult time so plzz if you can help me my gmail is this or +254728356043


  23. Ibrahim Ali
    Oct 20, 2015 @ 11:51:58

    Dear Refugee Action Collective (Vic) in Australia,

    after greeting, i deeply welcome your Abyan ( the Somali Refugee) responses you paid.

    i wish you all the best and willing your communications


  24. abdisalan ahmed faheye
    Dec 13, 2016 @ 11:11:46

    I need to get refugee australia visa pleas helpe me I am handicap pleas helpe me I am somali pleas may telephon 00253634486329


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