Category Archives: Fuck the IIRSA Project

Chile: CRONOGRAMA GERAL do Sexto Encontro do Livro e Propaganda Anarquista de Santiago

Recebido em 11.10.17: Evento no Facetruque: Pode baixá-lo em: SÁBADO 14 × 12:00 – 13:00 × • Apresentação do Encontro / Contação de histórias × 13:00 – 13:30 × • Apresentação do Livro “Antología de Kropotkin” pela Editorial Indómita × … Continue reading

Posted in Alfredo Bonnano, Anarcha-Feminism, Anarchist Bookfair, Anarchist Libraries, Chile, Diana J. Torres, Encuentro del Libro y la Propaganda Anarquista de Santiago, Events, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Kurdistan, Mapuche Struggle, Santiago

Chile: CRONOGRAMA GENERAL del 6to Encuentro del Libro y la Propaganda Anarquista de Santiago

Recibido el 11.10.17: Evento Facebook: Puedes descargarlo en: SABADO 14 × 12:00 – 13:00 × • Presentación del Encuentro / Cuenta Cuentos × 13:00 – 13:30 × • Presentación del Libro “Antología de Kropotkin” Presenta Editorial Indómita. × 13:30 – … Continue reading

Posted in Alfredo Bonnano, Anarchist Bookfair, Anarchist Libraries, Chile, Diana J. Torres, Encuentro del Libro y la Propaganda Anarquista de Santiago, Events, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Indigenous Solidarity, Kurdistan, Mapuche Struggle, Refugee Struggle, Santiago, Standing Rock

Valparaíso, Chile: Barricadas e Enfrentamentos na FARQ (UV) (Faculdade de Arquitetura na Universidade de Valparaíso)

Comunicado recebido junto com as fotos em 06/10/2017: 05.10.17: Rompemos com a passiva cotidianidade universitária para exigir a libertação imediata dxs presxs mapuche e subversivxs sequestradxs pelo estado $hileno. Abraçamos solidariamente pu peñi* e pu lamngen* encarceiradxs sob as montagens … Continue reading

Posted in Barricades, Chile, Direct Action, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Riots, Santiago Maldonado, Street Clashes, Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile: Barricades and Clashes in Solidarity with all Mapuche and Subversive Prisoners

Valparaíso, Chile: Barricades and Clashes at the FARQ (UV) (Faculty of Architecture at the University of Valparaíso) 05.10.17: We broke the passive routine of the university to demand the immediate release of the Mapuche and subversive prisoners kidnapped by the … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Barricades, Chile, Direct Action, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Riots, Santiago Maldonado, Street Clashes, Valparaíso

Chile: NEMESIS PROJECT – Explosive / Incendiary Attack Against the National Confederation of Truck Owners

Received (with photo) and translated on 01.08.17: NEMESIS PROJECT ACT V On the night of July 25, we attacked the building belonging to the National Confederation of Truck Owners of Chile, located on Almirante Barroso street in the city center … Continue reading

Posted in Alfredo Cospito, Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-Fenix, Banda Ácrata for a Winter of Fire, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), Davide Delogu, Direct Action, Enrique Guzmán, Explosive Attack, Fernando Bárcenas, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Incendiary Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), International Solidarity, Juan Flores, Lisa, Nataly Casanova, Nemesis Project, Nicola Gai, Operation Fenix, Operation Scripta Manent, Santiago

Santiago, Chile: Incendiary attack against the Offices of SAG and DGAC

On the night of June 30 within the context of the month for anarchic agitation for Earth liberation, we decide to organize our rage to carry out an incendiary attack against the Agricultural Service (SAG) and the General Directorate of … Continue reading

Posted in Chile, Direct Action, Environmental Struggle, Fuck The Elections, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Incendiary Attack, Luis Marileo, Mapuche Struggle, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Patricio Gonzales, Santiago

Greece: Incendiary attack against the IIRSA by Earth Liberation Front Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation (Eng/Esp)

ELF Thessaloniki – Responsibility claim Because of the call from South America against the new destructive plans IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) which had as its primary concern the development and opening of … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Anti-civilization, Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation, Direct Action, Earth Liberation Front, Fuck the IIRSA Project, Greece, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Thessaloniki