Category Archives: Antifascism

Rojava: No Pasaran! ISIS attack on International Freedom Battalion base foiled

No Pasaran! ISIS attack on our base foiled 20.12.2016 Using the cover of rain and darkness that affects our equipment ISIS managed to approach our position. They attacked with Kalashnikovs, Bixie heavy machine guns and biswing RPG’s, and even got … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, International Freedom Battalion, International Solidarity, Islamic State, Kurdish Struggle, Rojava, Syria | Leave a comment

Greece: Antifascist patrol in central Athens

On Saturday 17th of December comrades from the antifascist/anti-authoritarian center Distomo completed an antifascist patrol in the wider area around Attiki square and safeguarded the antifascist zone in the center of Athens. During the patrol leaflets were distributed and slogans … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Fascist Anti-Authoritarian Centre Distomo, Antifa, Antifascism, Athens, Greece | Leave a comment

Rojava: New international battalion formed – Antifascist Internationalist Tabur!

From Rojava to the world. Today a group of fellow anti-fascists, internationalists, anarchists, communists, socialists and libertarians appeals to support the revolution of Rojava and so joining struggle of the oppressed. We come from the shadow of the western capitalist … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Internationalist Tabur, International Solidarity, Ivana Hoffman, Kurdish Struggle, Rojava, Syria | Leave a comment

Neumünster, Germany: Attack against the fascist ‘ATF’ organization by Apoist Youth Initiative

On December 10th, 2016 the ‘German Turkish Federation’ (ATF) organized a cultural day with the slogan ‘Feast of the Flags’ in the Neumünster town hall. The ‘ATF’ is the umbrella organization of the ‘Gray Wolves’ and represents the fascist nationalist … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Antifascism, Apoist Youth Initiative, Bakur, Germany, Kurdish Struggle, Neumünster, Revenge Team Sehid Lecwan Munzur, Rojava | 1 Comment

Germany: Apoist Youth Initiative claim responsibility for attacks on fascist institutions in Stade and Quickborn

The Revenge Commandos Sehid Zana Ciwan and Sehid Serbest Cibran of the Apoist Youth Initiative have released a statement claiming responsibility for militant attacks against a club house of the nationalist-fascist DİTİB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) and other Turkish … Continue reading

Posted in Abdullah Öcalan, Antifascism, Apoist Youth Initiative, Direct Action, Germany, Graffiti, Kurdish Struggle, Paint Bombing, Revenge Commando Sehid Serbest Cibran, Revenge Commando Sehid Zana Ciwan | 1 Comment

USA: After The Dust Settles – A Report Back From Portland

Received on 06.12.16: It’s been two weeks since Portland erupted over the news as THE city that opposes Trump and his administration. The riot caused approximately one million dollars in damage, as well as costing the city’s police department $600,000. … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Antifascist Prisoners, Fuck Trump, Oregon, Portland, USA | 1 Comment

Rest In Power anarchist comrade Michael Israel, killed fighting ‘Islamic State’ fascists in Rojava

**UPDATE** via Kurdish Question People’s Protection Units (YPG) volunteers, American Michael Israel (27) from Colorado and German Anton Neshek (Zana Ciwan), were killed by Turkish warplanes on 29 November according to another international volunteer fighting alongside the pair against the Islamic State group (IS/ISIS/ISIL), … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Islamic State, Kurdistan, Michael Israel, Rojava, Syria, YPG, YPJ | 7 Comments