February 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

*Anarchy & Antispeciesism: for total liberation* anti- info evening on 2nd of March in South London – UK

Flyer for antispeciesist event
Why is speciesism an issue for anarchists, and how does it intersect
with other kinds of authority?
Talk & discussion on speciesism from an anarchist perspective. For
corpse-crunchers and vegans alike, but please come with an open mind.
6.30pm, Thursday 2nd March, Blacksheep Bookshop, 258 Creek Rd, London,
SE10 0SW

February 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany ,Berlin – Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit

18.02.17: On February 21/22 the European Police Congress will take place for the 20th time in Berlin. On this occasion at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC), war mongers, human hunters and security fanatics meet to propagate their despicable machinations.
In addition to Thomas Thomas de Maizière, the Federal Minister of the Interior and Hans-Georg Maaßen, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, agents and guards of all types will be represented by Europol, Frontex, BKA, LKAs and many other authorities. Also present will be lobbyists, entrepreneurs and war ministries such as Heckler & Koch, Taser, Rheinmetal and developers of monitoring software and communications technology such as SAP, IBM and Vodafone will also be present.

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February 22, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK – HMP Berwyn sabotaged during construction – Prison structurally unsound

It is important to announce one week before the opening of HMP Berwyn that two of the houseblocks in the prison are structurally unsound due to sabotage in 2015.
After our action in May 2015 where machinery was sabotaged, we knew that to regularly attempt to attack the prison would be impossible due to the prison walls being built around the site. After intensive research, it soon became apparent that we could have a dramatic effect with little effort.
In July 2015, a strong acidic powder was poured into the excavations of the groundfloor slabs of two of the prisons’s houseblocks. This has made two of these buildings structurally unsound – their foundations will eventually crumble and the buildings could collapse over time.
Given that the strength of these slabs has been greatly reduced, intrusive investigations and a full re-build of these houseblocks would be necessary before attempting to cage people in these buildings.
This action is dedicated to every human being that has died in the prison system at the hands of the State.

February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Chile – Sentences against the comrades of the PDI case are pronounced

amaru31Today, 31st January, in the third oral tribunal of the penal section, the disgusting authority issued verdicts against the 5 comrades accused of an incendiary attack on the inquisitors’ dungeon carried out in November 2014.
With the bourgeois morals and laws on their side, the judges decided on the comrades’ lives as follow:
*Natalia Alvarado: acquitted of all charges
*Maria Paz Vera: acquitted of all charges
*Manuel Espinoza: guilty of arson in residential area, acquitted of the charge of transporting an incendiary device and of attempted murder

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February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

SPAIN – Anarchist prisoners Mónica Caballero & Francisco Solar to be expelled from Spain and released in Chile soon

According to corporate media in Spain and Chile, the Audiencia Nacional (National Court) of Spain decided on January 30 to commute the rest of Mónica and Francisco‘s sentence to expulsion. The lawyers of the comrades are thought to have requested for article 89 of the Spanish Penal Code to be invoked which allows for foreign citizens serving more than one year’s imprisonment to have their sentence replaced with expulsion from the Spanish state. The comrades had their original sentence of 12 years reduced on appeal to 4 years and 6 months last December which means they have now served more than a third of their sentence.
It is expected that following police bureaucratic processes that the comrades will be flown by Spanish police to Chile where they will be handed over to Chilean police and then released back onto the street.
More news as it becomes available.

February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Updates on anarchist comrade Davide Delogu from Sardinia

We learn from Davide that in spite of the fact he’s no longer subjected to censorship, his incoming and outgoing letters are delivered very slowly. He has asked for news and anarchist materials; the pamphlets with various news (actions of attack, claims, communiqués, updates) we sent him he didn’t receive, nor were they seized, the arseholes must have thrown them away directly.
We remind that Davide, after two years in the 14bis regime, is now being held in the prison of Augusta (Siracusa) run by dog Antonio Gelardi.
Davide’s address:
Contrada Piano Ippolito 1
96011 Augusta (SR)
Translated by act for freedom now!

February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Chile – Bombs Case II – Trial date set against anarchist comrades Juan, Nataly and Enrique


After years of initiating investigations and arrests for attacks on police stations and Santiago Metro infrastructure in 2014, the nauseating southern district prosecution office has decided to set a date to begin the trial under the anti-terrorism law.
The prosecution will have 186 witnesses, 87 experts, 231 documents and 648 pieces of evidence to be presented before the altars of the democratic inquisition on March 24, 2017 when the trial against the comrades will begin.
Like other mega-legal processes, the trial is expected to last for a couple of months.
There is an urgent need to build revolutionary solidarity to confront the judicial machinery that is trying to swallow the lives of Juan, Nataly and Enrique.
(via Publicacion Refractario, translated by Insurrection News)

February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Florence, Italy – Repression against anarchists

170321366-75f7554c-0444-49bd-a06d-418bee539864-620x341A repressive operation was carried out on 31st January in Florence; the charge is criminal association relating to a number of episodes that took place in the city in 2016, and involves 35 comrades being investigated, of whom:
3 under house arrest
4 with compulsory residence orders
3 with obligation to report to the police station daily
Moreover at 9am of the same day 250 cops raided Villa Panico squat, evicted the squatters and sequestered the place.
Updates will follow as soon as possible.
Translated by act for freedom now!

February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Greece , Athens – Fifth appeals trial hearing of imprisoned anarchist-communist comrade Tasos Theofilou

Omnia TV’s Sylvia and Giant report from the courtroom
The fifth hearing of the appeals trial of Tasos Theofilou took place on Friday 10.02. During the hearing, none of the prosecution witnesses recognized Tasos Theofilou as one of the perpetrators.
Also, Theofilou came to court unshaven for the past 8 days in order to expose another contradiction of the case against him: according to CCTV footage and eye-witnesses the robber was clean-shaven. Eight days following the incident, Theofilou’s beard as it appears in mugshots, could not have grown the size it was in that short period of time.
The first witness was Christos Kefalas, resident of Paros island. His testimony was about seeing an abandoned motorcycle in the area of Limanaki and how it seemed suspicious. Next was the testimony Nikolas Skouloudis, assistant electrician, employed by a previous witness. This witness described everything he saw from the moment the robbers came out of the bank. He mentioned they were all wearing hats, glasses and scarves.
He also said that he could not recall any specific characteristic of the man who shot Michas.
“I heard gunshots and saw Michas approaching and punching one of the robbers. The robber fell on the ground after the blow. Then the other two robbers were onto Michas, an embroilment erupted and the one lying on the ground possibly shot Michas. I have no recollection of the type of clothing he wore.”
Then he was shown the notorious hat and the witness said that the colour did not remind him of anything.

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February 19, 2017
by actforfreedom

Still Cameras, Still Targets

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info
Anarchists hate cameras. We love games. That’s why some friends in the Sud-West took up the call to play CAMOVER. Masked up in black (obvi), we bagged a bunch of nosey CCTVs and painted over many others. No Face No Case! Shouts out to hommies in Hochelaga throwing down. Keep the good work up and the snitch cameras down.
From one participant:
CamOVER!? No Question. We hit the street four deep, two on the lookout, real casual, walkies and cigarettes, and got to bagging. Rope lines snaking through the air, cracks off streetlights as cams tumble down, we caught a side-eye from a citizen passerby and got back at it, like, FUCK YOU&YOUR CAMERAS. We dipped when the cops rolled up, stashed the cams alley-side, and swooped em up the next day.”

February 15, 2017
by actforfreedom
1 Comment

Germany – Claim of responsibility and Statement by Wildfire Cell

Claim of responsibility and Statement – Wildfire Cell
“It’s about time that we burned this country, this artificial world; it’s the onset of the black fire that will consume their businesses and industry of the filthy techno-industrial society. It is now time to articulate a direct and cold criticism, away from fantasies, put it forth, and present strikes.”
As the plague of modernization runs rampant in the urban-cemetaries of technological mass-society, suffocating our existence more and more with every passing day, we press on with our personal war against civilization and the hordes of submissive cowards who recreate and uphold it with their everyday acts of servitude and compliance.
New innovations in the realm of technological control and domination advance daily, with most welcoming the proliferation of “smart” technologies and the total digitalization of life’s every aspect. In the name of “convenience” the hyper-civilized masses mediate the entirety of their worthless lives through screens and receivers, feeding the industrial leviathan with an endless stream of data. Data which with the aid of corporations like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Vodafone, Sony etc. is used to further state and governmental surveillance programs, solidifying and enforcing the illusions of “social peace” and control.
Mobile phone antennas, besides functioning as important pieces of technical infrastructure for the smooth-functioning of society and the process of mass stupification also emit massive amounts of toxicity in the form of radiowaves and microwaves, resulting in tumors and brain damage in creatures dwelling nearby and are known to interfere with the navigational senses of birds and insects, leading to mass die-offs of entire colonies of bees and thus causing irreparable damage to existing ecosystems.
We know that by destroying these antennas and severing a couple of veins of the telecommunications sector we do little to harm the corporations who own these devices, but we create moments of pleasure and egoistic satisfaction in our lives, breaking with the routinization of life when spending time in the cities and aiming to cause stress and discomfort amongst the techno-junkies of the repugnant masses by disrupting the increasingly normalized and manufactured “need” for constant connectivity.
In the late hours of 2/2/17, accompanied by our furious hatred of society and a deep love for the aforementioned non-human animals, we spread our fire to the icy streets of Leipzig, Germany. Hooded and masked, we lurked under the cover of darkness and headed for our first target, a cluster of well-hidden antennas owned by Vodafone. We put the torch to a number of cables that ran up the side of a brick chimney between some houses and a vegan hipster cafe. The flames climbed all the way up the cables to the antennas, engulfing them completely and scattering flames and sparks across an area of 60 meters. This was achieved by covering the bottom of the exposed cables in flammable gel and then placing two slow-burning incendiaries between the cables. We lit them up and set off laughing to ourselves as we disappeared once more into the night.

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February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom


On January 5th Pola Roupa and Kostandina Athanasopoulou, members of the
R.O.Revolutionary Struggle, are arrested. The anti-terrorist dogs raid
the house where Roupa and her child were living, terrorizing her 6year
old son. as if this was not enough,the scum of society, the cops snatch
and kidnap the 6year old. The despicable government of Syriza-Anel
inaugurated a new practice of revenging and exterminating the enemy. The
following days there was a “struggle” by some parts of society as well
as portion of prisoners with sole demand the child’s release.

The members of R.S. pay the price of the anti-state armed struggle. They
deal with the state in its most vengeful form, because through these
actions they managed to harm, to a greater or lesser degree, the class
of bosses and disrupt their calmness proving that the enemy is not
invincible. They decided to return some of the violence the lower layers
have received in the previous years by domestic and foreign politicians
and technocrats.

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February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

GREECE – Responsibility Claim for the destruction of a ticket machine for electronic tickets , glufada Athens

On the night of Monday 6/2 we destroyed the facade of the new ticket
machine at Tram station “Vergioti Square”. This machine would have
printed the new electronic tickets, which are also a part of the
generalized state oppression of our freedom of movement. We should not
accept to pay for our daily transportation, we should not tolerate the
turnstiles at the Metro stations, ticket inspectors and the new
We call groups and individuals to carry out respective actions so we can
factually sabotage control and oppression in mass transport.


Group of undisciplined students

Translated by Act for freedom now!

February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Trieste, Italy – An anarchist from Udine arrested

32dd48b18aa94cda16f3bf2ba7ee0857Kabu, an anarchist from Udine who was under house arrest in Trieste following a conviction for contempt and aggravated resistance to a public official, has been transferred to prison where he is to remain for at least three months awaiting a hearing to establish how he is to do the sentence for two additional convictions of robbery and breach of an expulsion order from Udine, the latter issued by police chief Cracovia from Udine, for a total of 1 year and 9 months.
Anti-prison sit-in on Saturday 11th February outside the prison of Coroneo in Trieste, via del Coroneo, to greet the comrade and let him feel our solidarity.
Translated by act for freedom now!

February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – ‘Vetriolo’ issue 0, a new publication


Issue 0, winter 2017, of anarchist paper Vetriolo is out
We have given life to this new editorial initiative as we are convinced that it is important for anarchism of action to also make a theoretical effort. So what we have managed to put together is a paper of both agitation and analysis, one of critique and confrontation. Critique, because we aren’t giving up thinking with own heads, irreducible regarding school but thirsty for study; confrontation, because for us the aim of argument is qualitative growth alongside those who, discussing and getting angry, go part of the way with us.

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February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – A date for the appeal trial against anarchist comrades Silvia Guerini, Costantino Ragusa and Luca Billy Bernasconi has been set

The Turin court of appeal has set a hearing for the appeal submitted by prosecutor Arnaldi di Balme on 15th February.
In the first grade trial last March a sentence of inadmissibility of the case was pronounced, according to a clause called “Ne bis in idem”, i.e. the impossibility a defendant being tried twice for the same case.
Not content with the Swiss result for which we were convicted for the specific case and acquitted of the charge of importing explosive material, and not content with not having found any organization in Italy or elsewhere, the Turin prosecutors closed the investigation centred on 270bis (subversive association with intent of terrorism) and instead demanded the three of us be put on trial on the following charges: articles 110, 280 of the penal code, ‘because in complicity with one another, by the name of ELF-Earth Liberation Front, a movement inspired by radical environmentalism, and with intent of terrorism, they carried out actions intended to damage the property of others through the use of explosive or otherwise deadly devices’; articles110, 81,61 of the penal code, ‘because in complicity with one another, with multiple actions in the same criminal plan… they illegally held explosive material, which they transported to a public place from Valchiusella to Bergamo and then to Switzerland’; articles 110, 648 of the penal code, ‘because in complicity with one another, aware of its criminal source, they received material for explosive devices from unknown individuals, the result of illegitimate expropriation from an unidentified company licensed to use explosives’. The charges are aggravated by intent of terrorism.

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February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

[update] Aachen: second day of trial – Germany

Today 2/2/  the second session of the trial against the comrades accused of robbing the Pax-Bank branch in Aachen (Germany) in 2014 took place.
The prosecution called 3 witnesses: two cleaners and a passerby, who supposedly saw people behaving suspiciously and alerted the police.
In general the version of the facts detailed by the two workers concerning the first moment was quite different and sometimes contradictory. They remembered a different number of individuals participating in the robbery: the first one indicated that there was a woman in a red wig (although she did not recognize the wig from the photos that the judge showed her) and that 3 or 4 individuals present, while the second witness stated having seen a group of 6 people in total, and could not recall whether there were 1 or 2 women.  The first witness testified that the woman simply showed her a gun without ever pointing it directly, while the second one said that a gun was pointed to her head, however she was hesitant when questioned by the judge, who asked her whether she had been threatened to be killed had she screamed.

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February 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Mexico – Explosive attack against a Citibanamex branch by Night Cats & Evil Sorcerers Incendiary Cell FAI-FRI

Mexico City: Explosive-incendiary attack in solidarity with the prisoners in Aachen
Reasons to fight, we have plenty. We have taken into account the need to act directly against Capital, every time we find more reasons to continue fighting. A few weeks ago for example some comrades were accused of armed robbery in Aachen, Germany; and understanding the bureaucratic process of the ‘legitimate justice’ of the bourgeoisie, they were deprived of freedom. We must not forget, as has already been mentioned in these spaces of diffusion, that expropriation is a just, direct action and part of the history of every revolutionary movement. Emphasizing the slogan: “What crime is it to expropriate or set fire to a bank compared to founding it?”
The rage and anger have made us stronger. We can no longer afford to give ourselves the luxury of remaining in the passivity and conditional comfort that imprisons us in a ‘reality’ imposed by a group of murderers.

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