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Peter Sterling casts eye towards State of Origin as Laurie Daley's new adviser

The way Peter Sterling sees it, the biggest issue he and Laurie Daley may face this winter won't necessarily be the age-old dilemma of how to beat Queensland, but narrowing down the list of their State of Origin candidates to the allocation of 17 sky-blue jumpers. 

The interstate series is still three months away but having replaced Bob Fulton as the NSW coach's adviser this year Sterling will be casting an eye towards game one at Suncorp Stadium from round one of the NRL next week.

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Between his media commitments with Channel 9 and his eponymous pay-TV magazine show the former Blues halfback is a busy man. But the offer from Daley of a hands-on role with NSW was too good to refuse.

"It was a chance just to do something a little bit different in the game," Sterling said.

"I haven't been around Origin as much so that was an attraction as well. It's a real buzz being around the elite players in the game and it was the kind of involvement that I can do. 

"It's a little bit hands-on but most of it will just be talking to Laurie over the phone or meeting him for coffee. It fit into the schedule quite nicely. It was something that came out of the blue – excuse the pun – but was an attractive proposition as soon as he asked."


As with Fulton, Sterling will not technically be a selector but instead act as Daley's closest confidante and sounding board on all matters Origin. He also shapes as a key figure around the players, not in a coaching sense but with a quiet motivational word here or there.  

"Basically, Laurie said you can be involved as much as you want," Sterling said at Nine's season launch. 

"I will get into the [training] camps, there is no doubt about that. I don't want to make a pest of myself, and my whole involvement is out of the face of people but I'll get around in the camp."  

As for the make-up of the squad that will be at their pre-game base at Kingscliff, one of the most intriguing issues is how Daley will resolve the embarrassment of riches he has at fullback, with James Tedesco the incumbent No.1 but Jarryd Hayne, Tom Trbojevic and Matt Moylan also contenders.

"The amount of people that are putting their hand up or have put their hand up over the past season or two is outstanding and so many of these are exciting young players who are going to be long-term prospects. The difficult job will actually be whittling it down to that 17," he said. 

Trbojevic, 20, is indisputably ready for the Origin arena, Sterling believes, and despite taking over from Brett Stewart as Manly fullback could be used elsewhere by NSW.

"He's played more first grade on the wing than fullback," Sterling said. 

"My personal opinion is he's such a talent. The attractive thing about Tom Trbojevic is his attitude and his demeanour. He's fairly unflappable. There has been a lot of expectation on him and he's been spoken about a long time before he came into first grade. When he came in he handled that on his ear. Manly always looked a much better side when he was on the paddock. 

"Personally I think he's ready for it but there are a lot of players in contention. Sometimes it's not ideal to pick players out of position, but I'm not quite sure picking Tom on the wing would be out of position anyway."