
Israeli Media: Hamas Rejects a Prisoner Swap Offer (VIDEO)

Israeli media reported on Sunday that the Hamas movement, the de facto ruling party in the besieged Gaza Strip, refused a prisoner exchange offer by Israel. The Israeli government offered to release a Hamas official in Israeli custody in exchange for the release of one of two Israelis thought to be held alive in the […]

Protesting ‘Racist’ Israeli State and Home Demolitions: Thousands Rally in Tel Aviv (VIDEO)

Thousands rallied in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv on Saturday evening in protest of home demolitions targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel, with demonstrators calling the Israeli state’s demolition campaign “racist” and an act of “incitement” against Palestinian citizens. Protesters reportedly called on Israeli Minister of Public Security Gilad Erdan to resign for “lying” to […]

New Video Evidence Negates Israeli Police Claims around Deadly Umm al-Hiran Raid

A new video filmed by Al Jazeera has contradicted claims by Israeli officials concerning the killing of Bedouin teacher Yaqoub Moussa Abu al-Qian, a math teacher and Palestinian citizen of Israel who was shot dead by Israeli police last month during violent demolition raids in the village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev, according to […]

Israeli Pressure Cancels Talk by BDS Co-Founder in Spain

The Arab House in Madrid, Spain on Wednesday has cancelled a lecture that was due to be held by Palestinian activists, following pressure from Israeli organizations, PNN reported. The lecture was to cover the topic of non-violent popular resistance against the Israeli wall and illegal settlements in Palestine. Talks were to be delivered by the […]

UK Committee to Investigate Israeli Embassy Scandal (VIDEOS)

A committee of UK parliamentarians plans to investigate a scandal surrounding an Israeli diplomat who was caught promising to “take down” Britain’s foreign office minister in an Al Jazeera investigation. The parliament’s Foreign Affairs Select Committee intends to examine evidence that the Israeli embassy in London, through senior political officer Shai Masot, attempted to interfere […]

Netanyahu: All Embassies to Israel Should Move to Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed on Sunday his support for the US embassy to Israel moving from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, further adding that “all embassies should come here.” In a statement during the Israeli security cabinet’s weekly meeting, Netanyahu emphasized the “fundamental” relationship between the United States and Israel. “There is no substitute […]

Israel Returns Body of Slain 18-year-old Palestinian Girl to Family in Al-Khalil (Hebron)

Israeli authorities Friday evening returned the body of 18-year-old Majd al-Khadour to a Palestinian liaison and a representative of the family for burial in the village of Bani Naim in the southern occupied West Bank district of (Al-Khalil) Hebron. Her body was held for seven months. A Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance took the body to […]

Gideon Levy Says Palestinians Now ‘Fair Game’ for Soldiers

Israeli journalist and author Gideon Levy has accused the state’s armed forces of treating Palestinians as “fair game”, in a scathing op-ed published by Haaretz newspaper. Highlighting a number of incidents where Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the first weeks of 2017, Levy writes that Palestinians are “fair game in the occupied territories […]

B’Tselem: Palestinian Teenager Shot Dead Last Month was Fleeing Scene (VIDEOS)

Israeli rights group B’Tselem released a report and video on Tuesday revealing that 17-year-old Ahmad Hazem Ata Zidani (al-Rimawi) was shot dead in December while fleeing from the scene of clashes with Israeli forces in Ramallah-area village of Beit Rima in the central occupied West Bank. Zidani was shot dead when clashes erupted with Israeli […]

Palestinian Activists Burn Pictures of Trump after Controversial Figure Sworn into Office (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Amid US President Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, Palestinian activists burned pictures of the controversial US leader at the separation wall’s gate at the northern entrance of Bethlehem city in the southern occupied West Bank. Participants told Ma’an that the event was a message of their rejection of the president and the new administration’s support […]

Former Israeli Intelligence Head Warns Netanyahu about Dumping Iran Nuclear Deal

The former head of Israeli military intelligence, Amos Yadlin, has warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against putting pressure on the new US president to undo the nuclear deal with Iran because this would have dangerous consequences, Haaretz reported on Friday. The newspaper said that Donald Trump seems as if he is planning to change the […]

Adalah Demands Investigation into Killing of Palestinian Protester in Israel (VIDEO)

Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel demanded that Israeli authorities to investigate “the suspicious circumstances that led to the death of a (Palestinian) Bedouin man during a violent home demolition operation in the village of Umm al-Hiran in the Naqab desert.” Yacoub Abu al-Qeean, a 50-year-old math teacher from Atir-Umm al-Hiran, […]

Interview with Bacevich and Mearsheimer: Welcome to Greater Israel, Apartheid

Derek Davison is a Washington-based researcher and writer on international affairs and American politics. He conducted an interview with two eminent intellectuals: historian Andrew Bacevich of Boston University’s Pardee School of Global Studies and political scientist John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago. The interview’s focus was US policy in the Middle East. Click here […]

Exposing ‘The Lobby’ – Episodes 1-4 (VIDEOS)

The Lobby episode 1: The battle for Britain’s youth In the first of a four-part series, Al Jazeera goes undercover inside the Israel Lobby in Britain. They expose a campaign to infiltrate and influence youth groups, including the National Union of Students, whose president faces a smear campaign coordinated by her own deputy and supported […]

Obama Sharply Critical of Netanyahu in Israeli TV Interview (VIDEO)

US President Barack Obama, in an interview aired on Israeli television on Tuesday, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu policy backing settlements in occupied territory is making a future Palestinian state impossible. “Bibi says that he believes in the two-state solution and yet his actions consistently have shown that if he is getting pressured to approve […]

Israel Plans to Build Illegal Settlement on Site of Jerusalem Attacker’s Home (VIDEO)

The Jerusalem municipality has reportedly approved plans to establish a new settlement in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir, on the site of the home of a Palestinian who carried out a deadly truck attack on Saturday, according to Israel’s Channel 10. Israel’s security cabinet has already ordered Fadi al-Qunbar’s home to be […]

‘The Boy from H2’ to Premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival (VIDEO)

By Palestine Chronicle Staff A short documentary, “The Boy from H2”, by Helen Yanovsky in collaboration with B’Tselem’s field researchers and Camera Project volunteers in Hebron, will premiere at the 67th Berlinale (9-19 February 2017).   According to a B’Tselem statement, the documentary follows 12-year-old Muhammad Burqan, who lives in Area H2 of Hebron. Citing the security of some 800 settlers […]

Orthodox Christians Mark Christmas Day in Gaza (VIDEO)

There are about 3,000 Christians in Gaza. Approximately one half are members of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

10 Palestinian Homes Demolished in Israeli City, Mayor to Resign (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Israeli authorities demolished 10 homes belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel in the city of Qalansawe in central Israel on Tuesday morning, prompting a defeated mayor to resign after Israeli authorities refused for decades to approve the city’s master plan. Local sources told Ma’an the devastating demolition campaign sparked clashes between Israeli police and residents. Mayor […]

On CNN, PLO Dr. Hanan Ashrawi Condemns Israel Violence (VIDEO)

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Head of PLO Dept. of Culture & Information speaks to CNN following US Secretary of State John Kerry Middle East speech and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Response.

Palestinian Driver Kills Four Soldiers, Wounds 17, Army Arrests Family

Israeli forces raided homes in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir on Sunday and detained at least five relatives of Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar, a Palestinian who was killed earlier in the day after carrying out a deadly vehicular attack. Al-Qunbar, 28, was killed by Israeli forces and armed civilians after he drove […]

In Video, Israeli Official Filmed Threatening to ‘Take Down’ UK MP

Secret filming has revealed a senior political officer in the Israeli Embassy talking about how he would like to “take down” UK foreign office minister Alan Duncan, a vocal opponent of illegal Israeli settlement building in the occupied West Bank. In the footage senior political officer at the Israeli embassy Shai Masot, says Duncan was causing “a lot of problems”. […]

George Michael on Palestine and Iraq (VIDEO)

The Christmas Day death of iconic singer George Michael, 53 has shocked the world. Michael was known for his progressive stances on many issues and various charity causes. This is a short video excerpt of an interview conducted with him by BBC’s Hard Talk on the US-British war on Iraq and how that war is […]

Israeli Settlers Raid Palestinian Village to Pray at Holy Site, Spark Clashes

Israeli settlers Wednesday night entered into the Palestinian village of Kifl Haris in the northern occupied West Bank district of Salfit, sparking clashes with locals youth, according to Hebrew media. Reports said that the settlers entered the village in their private cars, and went to pray at a Jewish holy site in the area. The settler […]

2 Arrested in Israel for Threatening Judges over Convicted Soldier

Israeli police said today that they arrested two people for inciting violence on social media against three military judges who convicted a soldier of manslaughter over his fatal shooting of a wounded Palestinian. The judges found Sergeant Elor Azaria, 20, guilty of the charge yesterday, and supporters have set up several Facebook pages urging Israel’s […]

Your Killing is ‘Inevitable’: Activist who Filmed Hebron Shooting Fears for His Life after Israeli Soldier Convicted

Emad Abu Shamsiyya, a Palestinian activist who filmed the point-blank shooting of Abd al-Fatah al-Sharif by an Israeli soldier in Hebron last March said he “feared for his life” after the Israeli soldier was found guilty of manslaughter for the killing Wednesday. One message written to Abu Shamsiyya said that his killing was “inevitable,” while […]

John Berger Reads Ghassan Kanafani’s Letter from Gaza (2008)

English art critic and long-time supporter of Palestine, John Berger died Monday, at the age of 90 at his home in Paris.  In an address to the inaugural Palestine Festival of Literature (2008) John Berger gave a moving reading of famed Palestinian writer, Ghassan Kanafani’s “Letter from Gaza”. Kanafani was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad in […]

‘Jesus Christ was the First Fedayeen’: Priest of Palestinian Resistance, Hilarion Capucci, Dies (VIDEO)

Hilarion Capucci, the celebrated former archbishop of Jerusalem, died in Rome on January 1, 2017 at the age of 94, as announced by the Vatican in an official statement. He was mourned both by the Hamas government in Gaza and by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who described him as a “martyr of Jerusalem”. The Melkite […]

In Video, Israeli Soldiers Use Palestinian Child as Human Shield

A group of Israeli soldiers ambushed and detained a seven-year-old boy during the weekly demonstration in Kafr Qaddum last Friday and used him as a human shield, video footage has shown. The recording, released by Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem shows Muamen Murad Mahmoud Shteiwi being captured and held in front of soldiers as protection. […]

Nearly 15,000 Israeli Settlers Stormed Al-Aqsa in 2016 (VIDEO)

The Palestinian Information Center has revealed that the number of Israeli settlers who stormed al-Aqsa Mosque during the 6th day of Hanukkah is 149 settlers, bringing the total number of settlers storming the holy site in 2016 to nearly 15,000.  According to Quds Press, 37 settlers stormed al-Aqsa Mosque on Thursday evening under protection of […]

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