Australian Electoral Commission


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Senate vacancies

Western Australia:

On 3 February 2017, the High Court determined that a special count be conducted to elect a new representative to the Senate from Western Australia, in order to fill a vacancy created by the disqualification of Mr Culleton. The AEC notes that the decision requires further directions by a Justice (of the High Court) for the conduct of the special count. Upon receiving these directions the AEC will conduct the special count. Read More (+)

South Australia:

A second vacancy exists following the resignation of Mr Bob Day AO as a South Australian Senator on 1 November 2016. This matter is currently the subject of consideration by the High Court of Australia sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns. The Court's consideration of this matter is ongoing.

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Current federal redistributions

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Local elections

Local elections are not run by AEC

Latest news

The AEC is carrying out IT maintenance on Friday 24 February. There may be outages to some AEC systems between 7.30pm and 10.30pm AEDT.