Mother Jones Magazine Cover : November + December 2015

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Trigger Warnings

By Mark Follman

Inside the race to find and stop the next mass shooter.

The Fall of King Coal

By Tim Murphy, photographs by Stacy Kranitz

After 29 men died in his company's mine, Don Blankenship is fighting to stay out of prison. But he's already won the battle to convert coal country to his brand of conservative politics.


By Josh Harkinson

New science says too much milk is harmful to adults. Too bad the government keeps pushing Big Dairy.

I'll Be the Judge of That

By Pema Levy

How Jeb Bush perpetuated the Sunshine State's war on black voters.


Epic Fail

By Patrick Caldwell

Digitizing America's medical records was supposed to help patients and save money. Why hasn't that happened?


Mixed Media

Food + Health


Since being treated for multiple myeloma this spring, 1 Kevin Drum says the health care debate has become much more personal­—and that his hair has started growing back ("Party of No Escape"); check out an animated version of 2 Hudson Christie's oven-baked sculpture at

Mark Schapiro ("Over a Barrel") is the author of Carbon Shock.

After digging into a Silicon Valley-like health records company, Patrick Caldwell wishes his office also had a tree house ("Epic Fail").

Having spent three years covering mass shootings, 3 Mark Follman was eager to investigate a possible solution ("Trigger Warnings").

While in West Virginia ("The Fall of King Coal"), Tim Murphy kept crossing the century-old path of labor leader Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, this magazine's namesake; Kentucky-born photographer 4 Stacy Kranitz has extensively documented Appalachia.

Josh Harkinson ("Cowed") still enjoys his milk and cereal, but he feels a bit guilty about it.

5 Pema Levy used Florida's open-records law to obtain 1,400 pages of transcripts documenting Jeb Bush's treatment of ex-felons petitioning to restore their voting rights ("I'll Be the Judge of That").

6 Inae Oh enjoyed having an excuse to binge rewatch Transparent before her Q&A with creator Jill Soloway ("Trans Mission").

Kevin Drum Hudson Christie
Mark Follman
Pema Levy Inae Oh
Stacy Kranitz