The San Diego Free Speech Fight

San Diego Free Speech Fight, California, 1912. Injured man, shirtless, showing b

A set of contemporary photographs about the 1912 San Diego Free Speech Fight, documenting the police violence and some of the participants in the fight.

A Fight for Free Speech in San Diego: Davey Jones

An account of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, focuses on the role of the local press in stirring up hostility to the IWW, and its support for vigilante violence.

1912: The San Diego Free Spech Fight

(excerpt from Under the Perfect Sun: The San Diego Tourists Never See, The New Press: 2003 by Jim Miller) A history of the most violent of the Free Speech Fights. A combination of police brutality and vigilante terror was unleashed against the IWW and the workers of San Diego, including torture and murder.

The Magonista Revolt in Tijuana: A Prelude to the San Diego Free Speech Fight

(excerpt from Under the Perfect Sun: The San Diego Tourists Never See; The New Press: 2003, by Jim Miller) An account of the revolt in Baja Mexico that peaked when the mixed rebel army captured Tijuana. The revolt involved a mix of Mexican anarchists, indigenous scouts and American Wobblies and Socialists.

Unionism and Anti-Fascism - Twin Cities General Defense Committee

Statement on Opposing All Oppression from the Twin Cities GDC Local 14 on the importance of fighting fascism and all of the oppressions faced by different sections of the working class.

Montana Wobblies, Antifa Out-Organize Nazis

Report on an antifascist mobilisation in Whitefish, Western Montana, where neo-nazis had called for an armed rally against Jewish residents.

Database of repression of the IWW, 1906-1920

An IWW office after a police raid, 1919

A table detailing hundreds of instances of state and employer repression of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in the United States in the early part of the 20th century.

Shooter of unarmed anti-racist walks free; authorities silent

An update on the shooter of the Seattle Anti Fascist.

Fellow Worker and GDC Member Shot at anti-fascist protest in Seattle

On the evening of Friday, January 20th, a comrade of ours was shot in the stomach in the most public place on the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle – a place called “Red Square” for the color of its bricks rather than its politics.

This Fellow Worker (what members of the IWW call ourselves) and Defender (for GDC members) is a longtime anti-fascist and dedicated activist, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the General Defense Committee of the IWW. He’s currently in critical condition at Harborview Hospital in Seattle. They have a Level One Trauma center, so it’s likely he is receiving the best quality care available, for which we are deeply grateful.

1909: Missoula Free Speech Fight

History of the first free speech fight conducted by the IWW.