Refugee Action Collective (Vic)

Media releases

For media comment contact

or call Chris 0403 013 183 or Lucy 0404 728 104

Feb 25 2015- Manus Island Hygiene and Health Hazard (RAC, Sydney Media Release) 0

Refugee Action Coalition (Sydney) MEDIA RELEASE, Wed 25 Feb MANUS ISLAND  AND HEALTH HAZARD – STILL TORTURE A filthy toilet block (three toilets and three showers) in Delta Compound on Manus Island has been demolished. The disgusting facilities were a health hazard and should have been demolished months ago. But, little has changed. The demolition(…)

Solidarity with Manus asylum seekers spreads around the Globe

Solidarity with Manus asylum seekers spreads around the Globe 1

As the mass hunger strike involving around 800 people on Manus Island enters its 12th day, solidarity with the asylum seekers is spreading around the globe. Protests have already taken place in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Perth and New York. In coming days there will be protests in Boston, Berlin, Brussels, and Cambridge. ‘The violent(…)

Manus asylum seekers denied water – video and pictures

Manus asylum seekers denied water – video and pictures 0

Peter Dutton says claims that asylum seekers were denied water are ‘complete rubbish’ Video and pictures are below judge for yourself (please note though we endeavour to get up material in a timely fashion, continuing updates on the ongoing mass hunger strike get posted more frequenetly on our Facebook page than this website see(…)

Media Release – Delta compound under attack

Media Release – Delta compound under attack 0

‘This afternoon security guards, police, ‘locals’ (maybe also PNG police) and the Transfield Emergency Response Team began attacking peaceful protests in Delta compound on Manus Island. Oscar compound was also attacked but the attackers were chased out by asylum seekers.’ said Chris Breen for the Refugee Action Collective.Attached is a picture that shows people outside(…)

Action Alert – Melbourne Protest Vigil this Friday – DON’T LET IRANIAN HUNGER STRIKER DIE 0

1pm Friday January 16 at the Immigration Department, corner Spring and Lonsdale Sts Melbourne Speakers include Pamela Curr from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre.   “This vigil will call on Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton, to save an Iranian hunger striker’s life by releasing him immediately from indefinite detention,’’ said Chris Breen(…)

Media Release – Hunger strike and sewn lips on Manus as Morrison due to put shameful refugee bill to vote

Media Release – Hunger strike and sewn lips on Manus as Morrison due to put shameful refugee bill to vote 0

Media Release – for immediate releaseHunger strike and sewn Lips on Manus as Morrison due to put shameful refugee bill to vote ‘As Scott Morrison desperately tries to get his legislation through the parliament, around one hundred asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island have gone on hunger strike and four have sewn their lips.(…)