Ted CruzAccount verificato


Father of two, 's husband, fighter for liberty. Representing the great state of Texas in the U.S. Senate.

Houston, Texas
Iscritto a marzo 2009
Compleanno: 22 dicembre

@tedcruz è bloccato

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  1. Tweet fissato
    27 dic 2016

    Add your name if you agree -- no US funding for the UN until the Israel vote is reversed:

  2. 4 ore fa

    Ted Cruz: American people deserve to know about Iran deal’s ‘hidden’ details via

  3. 7 ore fa

    A true pleasure speaking with on at

  4. 8 ore fa

    Any day you get to speak with is great day. Especially when it's at

  5. 8 ore fa

    Following up the conversation with with a Facebook Live interview!

  6. 9 ore fa

    Now it's time for Republicans to keep our promises and do what we said we would do!

  7. 9 ore fa

    On behalf of , thank you Harry Reid for Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the most conservative cabinet in years

  8. 9 ore fa

    We need to look at tools that can get things done despite the Democratic filibuster

  9. 9 ore fa

    It's time to take on the regulatory state and fire bureaucrats

  10. 9 ore fa

    Make no mistake, we are going to confirm Judge Gorsuch

  11. 9 ore fa

    After eight years of Obama, there are few things more important than putting principled constitutionalists on

  12. 9 ore fa

    Always a great time for a Conversation on the Constitution with the Great One,

  13. 10 ore fa
  14. 10 ore fa
  15. 11 ore fa
  16. 22 feb

    has laser focus on economic growth, simplifying tax code

  17. 22 feb
  18. 21 feb

    Add your name if you agree it's time we stand for the rule of law and end sanctuary cities:

  19. 21 feb

    : Eight years of hostility toward oil and gas are over

  20. 21 feb

    I am doing everything I can to champion Texas small business and to reduce the burdens of Washington on Texas:

  21. 21 feb

    Add your name if you agree it's time we stand for the rule of law and end sanctuary cities:

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