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  1. Osobe Vidi sve

  2. 4. velj

    Here's the coward who hit me with a flagpole in DC. He likes to be anonymous- RT to help find him.

  3. 2. velj

    UC Berkeley student body, riotors, fascists & are "NAZI hunting" on campus. MSM has fueled this hatred & violence.

  4. 2. velj

    UC Berkeley students 👊BEAT👊 this kid in to an incoherent concussion. fascists accused him of being a NAZI. Happy !?!

  5. 3. velj

    This is what looks like when they don't outnumber you 100 to 1.

  6. 2. velj

    Has Begun We American Hackers have United to take it down will be no more.

  7. prije 3 sata

    remind you of anything? ? We must be ready for it.

  8. prije 3 sata
  9. prije 9 sati

    Luke Kuhn along with Rebecca Goyette, two notable connections linking terrorism to the pedophilia of the establishment. .

  10. prije 10 sati
  11. prije 11 sati
  12. 5. velj

    These words feel very poignant right now.

  13. 5. velj

    This can’t be real, surely. Nobody could be this carpet-chewingly stupid. Oh wait, it’s . I take it back.

  14. 5. velj

    = anti First Amendment.

  15. 4. velj

    - WeSearchR has published a full list of domestic terrorists arrested at inauguration

  16. 4. velj

    Absolutely no surprise a member of was actually an employee of the university.

  17. 4. velj
  18. 3. velj

    Fascism breeds in America, under the guise of anti-Fascism.

  19. 3. velj

    antifascism dot org is a honeypot attempting to gather information on comrades. do not visit, do not sign up.

  20. 3. velj

    Dear Stop being fucking retarded.

  21. 3. velj

    The end of the terrorism organization nears.

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