

militant antifascist...Hated by Plenty...Wanted by Many...Disliked by Some...Confronted by None

Geregistreerd in december 2016


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  1. heeft geretweet
    12 uur geleden
    Als antwoord op

    So VK ain't safe for these fascist cunts after all lol. Allegedly there was an anti-fascist 'welcoming comitee' @ Westminster for poor Wayne

  2. 17 uur geleden

    Might not be on here a lot over summer as I'm spending it in Dundalk. Have a good un peeps.

  3. heeft geretweet

    Unless you register to vote & send the Tories packing democracy's last whistle stop.

  4. heeft geretweet
    20 uur geleden

    Oh look, the cunts popped in for a cheeky pigs head to stick his rancid tory cock into. Cunt

  5. heeft geretweet
    20 uur geleden

    Can you please all vote Tory. Fox hunting is one of Philip's few hobbies, That & Porn of course. I need a break from him at the Palace!

  6. heeft geretweet
    18 uur geleden

    ICYMI Tommy Robinson Arrested: nicked at his home for alleged contempt of court ... and THERE MAY BE MORE TO COME

  7. heeft geretweet
    19 uur geleden

    Wigan vs the pasty tax

  8. heeft geretweet
    19 uur geleden

    Wiganers being vigilant again

  9. heeft geretweet
    19 uur geleden

    Imagine the public owning the railway and profit going back into improving the service instead of parasitic shareholders pockets. Deranged !

  10. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    I think it's safe to say that Theresa May is made of teflon. She can now add to her 'proud record'.

  11. heeft geretweet
    22 uur geleden

    'Labour want to take us 'Back to the 70s?' Bring it on. A much fairer economy, affordable public transport and the best sitcoms ever made.

  12. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    If you’re a student, did you know you can 🗳 at your HOME and UNIVERSITY address? ➝

  13. heeft geretweet
    11 mei

    Remember today volunteer sean McGaughey fallen 11th may 1946 while on Hunger strike GBNF brave son of ireland TAL32

  14. heeft geretweet
    11 mei

    How are Labour going to afford all this ? They'll use Tory Expense Claim Forms. There'll be plenty of money.

  15. heeft geretweet
    11 mei

    Blairite race to undermine Corbyn has become a collective hysteria. They are the worst kind of Tory. A conspiracy of shameless bastards.

  16. heeft geretweet
    21 uur geleden
  17. heeft geretweet
    22 uur geleden

    Robbery today in Albert St Belfast, someone will know the cretin.

  18. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    If The Krays had been Tories, they'd be living in genteel retirement now in Margate. Playing Bingo and sawing off pensioners legs.

  19. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

    EDL Criminals updated. Whitchurch man, 24, punched his partner as she gave birth in hospital.

  20. heeft geretweet
    10 mei

Het laden lijkt wat langer te duren.

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