Resultats de la cerca
  1. 17 febr.

    I am now very confident Senate Intel Comm I serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of interference and influence

  2. fa 8 hores

    Way to go You gave Goober access to the shiny red button

  3. fa 8 hores

    As casualties mount in eastern , some wonder whether is testing

  4. fa 11 hores

    A newspaper editor explains how made his puppet - Vox

  5. fa 12 hores
  6. fa 13 hores

    promises to discuss alleged cruise missile deployment issue if and when he meets

  7. fa 15 hores
  8. fa 20 hores

    says sending Admiral aircraft carrier group to Syria’s shores was his own idea

  9. 22 febr.

    is pushing your buttons and showing you who is boss. America knows you are . A girl could've been tougher than u, Trump!

  10. 22 febr.

    Many Europeans are confused. and have been influencing & creating FEAR for 5 years! EUROPE is Stronger than SOVIETS are!

  11. 22 febr.

    This is what meant when he spoke of ! "Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends"?

  12. 22 febr.

    You know something is wrong when US praises and insults citizens who speak up at ,

  13. 21 febr.
  14. 21 febr.
  15. 21 febr.

    Demand your reps force Sessions recuse himself from any invesigations. - - - Your dots

  16. 21 febr.

    NUMBER ONE PRIORITY is to force to release taxes - all evidence implies that is compromised.

  17. 18 febr.

    The famous toast of Vladimir

  18. 18 febr.

    wants to hasten the apocalypse. wants a New World Order: the death of the West. And Trump just wants attention.

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