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  1. Cuentas Ver todos

  2. We have had enough of Mr Soros meddling in the United States. It is time for a change! NO MORE SOROS! ElectTrump 🇺🇸

  3. Good Night Everyone! Trump is the new and it probably wont change so learn to live with it!

  4. participa a la concentració en defensa de les institucions catalanes, organitzada per la delegació de a

  5. Hey Actors & Musicians that said you were gonna move to Canada if got elected ((⏰)) PACK YOUR SHIT!!

  6. Today, and every day, we honor and thank you. will take care of you now that he's

  7. Understand Many R Leaving Since we now have A WhoWill ❤️🇺🇸❤️ Hope You're On The FirstFlight!

  8. Donald and Leonard dead in the space of 48 hours FU 2016 Time for a 🍺

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