Výsledky hledání
  1. 1. 3.
  2. před 8 hodinami

    Where was when Malik's Brother was giving guns to Cartels, hoping for crimes, to use to attack ?

  3. před 13 hodinami

    RT White House proposes steep budget cut to leading climate science agency

  4. před 20 hodinami

    I'll Keep My Gun🔫 Save A Life And Deport ALL Illegals Instead👊

  5. před 53 minutami
  6. před 2 hodinami

    RT Before the EPA, our cities looked like this

  7. před 5 hodinami

    Carlson Annihilates Disingenuous Dem For Shabby Sessions Russia Charade”

  8. před 7 hodinami

    MT : In the USA, we live by our laws, so must you. Don't like it? Leave!

  9. před 8 hodinami

    👈👊🔫 ・・・ Frickin' pumped to get this gripwork back from jdc_tactical_design He… RT

  10. před 10 hodinami
  11. před 13 hodinami

    RT Wolves could soon be shot on sight in Wyoming, an appeals court rules

  12. před 13 hodinami
  13. před 13 hodinami

    Mayor of Rotterdam tells intolerant muslims to F**K off if they can't handle freedom! WATCH VIDEO at

  14. před 15 hodinami

    🇺🇸 Nevada Rancher Ordered To Pay $500,000 For Cattle That Grazed On Federal Land A Decade Ago 👈See Here 🇺🇸

  15. před 16 hodinami

    🇺🇸 Photo Contradicts Pelosi’s Statement about not Meeting Kislyak 👈See Here 🇺🇸

  16. před 22 hodinami

    .: There are few things as entertaining as the pleasure that comes from destroying the flying ambitions of an orange disk.

    Colion on Skeet Shooting
    Colion explains why he thinks skeet shooting is so entertaining, even though he's not very good at it.
  17. 2. 3.
  18. 2. 3.

    More women are arming themselves than ever before!

  19. 1. 3.

    Irony: Bloomberg lobbyists are Tweeting pics supportive of Angela Davis — who praises a cop killer and gave guns for use in a murder.

  20. 1. 3.

    "A firearm is the only thing that gives me a fighting chance." -.

    Why Women Own Guns
    Watch the full episode of The DL with Dana Loesch to see why now, more than ever, women are protecting lives with firearms.

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