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  2. 24. 3.

    's Richard Lui shares lessons learned as his father's

  3. 23. 3.

    2 days in a row of anchoring on So fantastic. Please bring her back full time.

  4. 23. 3.

    As sinks to new viewership lows, their flagship shows will soon be struggling to compete with Gilligan's Island reruns.

  5. před 16 hodinami

    It can’t go unnoticed that & r the rare combo of sweetest & competence ever🙏❤️‼️

  6. 23. 3.

    Moscow Mitch is never going to not be behind the NRA /they give him money ! so he wants guns sold to everybody ! look at New Zealand they had one incident they banned assault rifles/ they were gone within weeks /they haven’t had any more incidences ! we could do this

  7. 25. 3.
  8. před 22 hodinami

    It's maddening how easy it is to demagogue the immigration issue.

  9. 22. 3.
    Odpověď uživateli

    Good grief. Hey SP you need to go on to , , and make that very same announcement-loud and clear. Maybe then the judge may consider your request. Otherwise -- lawyer up! It's gonna be a bumpy and very expensive ride!

  10. před 16 hodinami

    Almost wanna stand up in my living room and give a standing ovation for the outstanding job she did all week holding it down for . Major Props at cha Sista Girl.... Job well done 👊🏾BOOM !!!

  11. 25. 3.

    Aside from the silly questions and flagapalooza background, Biden's presser was refreshingly presidential.

  12. 25. 3.

    In Senate Judiciary meeting, Mike Lee has sustained an impressive 20 minute fart. Kudos.

  13. 25. 3.

    I love ! I DO!! BUT we need BACK on !

  14. před 20 minutami

    This is what & think is the most important news.

  15. před 15 hodinami

    During my lunch break it is so refreshing to tune in to & see filling in for I REALLY hope she gets a permanent spot somewhere in your lineup. She is BRILLIANT & you shoulda never let her leave.

  16. What the Former Guy said was initially true. Some were waved in. There were selfies! But when Capitol police started pushing back, crowd realized they were not with them. Then the violence. They let them go. No where to detain them.

  17. 23. 3.

    On ⁩ relates how seeing the flower memorabilia takes him back to and he reminds police that Gun Safety is police safety! Join us in demanding Congress pass now!

  18. 25. 3.
  19. 26. 3.

    Really? You don’t know what Jim Eagle means? You mean you can’t tell the difference between a crow & an eagle & all that that difference implies? You’re kidding, right?

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