Vice President PenceCuenta verificada


Husband, father, and honored to serve as the 48th Vice President of the United States. Tweets may be archived: .

Washington, D.C.
Se unió en enero de 2017

@VP está bloqueado

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  1. 25 feb.

    With boundless confidence in the American people, I know that under the leadership of Trump, we will Make America Great Again.

  2. 25 feb.

    Now, more than ever, we need to mobilize and march forward as if this time is the most important time in the history of our cause.

  3. 25 feb.

    When it comes to the highest court in the land, in Judge Gorsuch, nominated a justice who will uphold our Constitution.

  4. 25 feb.

    We’ll enact real education reform that gives families more choices & ends a broken system that puts status quo ahead of student success

  5. 25 feb.

    We’re going to roll back job-killing regulations and we’re going to rescind unconstitutional executive orders signed by Barack Obama.

  6. 25 feb.

    Under , we’re going to get this economy moving by cutting taxes for working families, small businesses, and family farms.

  7. 25 feb.

    Despite the left's fear-mongering, we'll have an orderly transition to a better health care system that puts the American people first.

  8. 25 feb.

    We'll replace ObamaCare with something that actually works–something that’s built on freedom and individual responsibility.

  9. 25 feb.

    We’re going to repeal ObamaCare once and for all, and eliminate its mandates, taxes, and intrusion into your businesses and your lives.

  10. 25 feb.

    The ObamaCare nightmare is about to end. Despite the best efforts of liberal activists, Americans know better: ObamaCare must go.

  11. 25 feb.

    . Trump has convinced businesses across the country to keep and create tens of thousands of jobs here at home.

  12. 25 feb.

    . has ordered every federal agency and department to find two regulations to cut before issuing a new one.

  13. 25 feb.

    . Trump has already taken action that’s putting America back to work and getting our economy moving.

  14. 25 feb.

    While focuses on security at home and abroad, we’re also working tirelessly on a three-part agenda at home: jobs, jobs, & jobs.

  15. 25 feb.

    We'll rebuild our military, restore the arsenal of democracy, & provide our servicemen & women with the resources & training they need.

  16. 25 feb.

    . Trump has promised to make the US military—the strongest fighting force the world has ever seen–even stronger still.

  17. 25 feb.

    . Trump and I stand with Israel because her cause is our cause, her values are our values, and her fight is our fight.

  18. 25 feb.

    I saw the compassion of Americans for their Jewish neighbors this week in MO, when hundreds turned out to restore that hallowed ground

  19. 25 feb.

    Hatred has no place in America. The Jewish community's a beautiful thread in our national fabric. Under , we will protect them.

  20. 24 feb.

    As our states succeed, our country succeeds. and I are committed to forging strong partnerships with America's governors.

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