
Australia v India Test cricket series 2017: Matt Renshaw responds to Allan Border's jibe

Matt Renshaw has responded to Allan Border's criticism of his decision to leave the field to use the toilet, saying when you've got to go, you've got to go.

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Renshaw's emergency exit

Matthew Renshaw hurried from the field in bizarre circumstances with an upset stomach.

The opener starred in his debut innings on the subcontinent with an impressive half-century though it was overshadowed by a sudden upset stomach which forced him to retire ill.

Renshaw had been battling for some five to 10 minutes, he said, but sought solace in the dressing room for about two hours after being told by umpire Richard Kettleborough he could resume his innings later. He returned to make 68, more than any other batsman on the first day.

Captain Steve Smith was not thrilled with Renshaw's decision, the opener said, as it left Australia with two new batsmen, but he accepted the call after being given an explanation on the field as he walked to the crease.

Former captain Border, however, was far from impressed, saying in no uncertain terms the 20-year-old should have stayed out there. Border was at the helm in Chennai in 1986 when he famously told Dean Jones, who was ill and unbeaten on 202, during a tea break "we'll get a Queenslander out here" if the Victorian could not continue. Jones batted on.


"I hope he is lying on the table in there half dead. Otherwise as captain I would not be happy," Border said on Fox Sports.

"I can tell you what, if Shaun Marsh was dismissed in those last 15 minutes I would've been ropeable as captain."

Fortunately for Renshaw, his decision did not spark a flurry of wickets though Australia lost 7/56 either side of tea to hand the ascendancy back to the home side.

While Renshaw said he could understand Border's disappointment, he defended his move. 

"That's something he grew up with, that was his mentality. Steve was good and he understands when you need to go to the toilet you've got to go to the toilet," Renshaw said.

"It wasn't an ideal scenario but it's life pretty much.

"It was a probably couple of hours. I came back out. I felt quite bad knowing I could be letting the team down. That's why I went out there, I wanted to do my bit for the team and try and make sure we had a good day.

"He [Smith] didn't really understand at the start. We had just lost a wicket so there would be two new batsmen out there."

Achieved on a difficult pitch, Australia's first day effort of 9/256 is better than it looks on paper. They can at least draw heart at being able to bat out a day and not being spun out by Ravi Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja.

By no means did Australia tame the world's top two ranked bowlers but it was a much improved performance from their poor tour of Sri Lanka.

They can draw encouragement from Renshaw's methods. He trusted his defence but was also prepared to attack any bad balls.

"I've never seen a pitch like that so I just went in with a pretty open mind try and do what I normally do in Australia which is try and bat as long as possible and try and wear the bowlers' down," Renshaw said.

"It's probably a bit harder to wear them down when they're spinners but I just try and keep my plan pretty simple against each individual bowler.

"I think it helps having the ball turn back into you. It's quite hard to attack Ashwin when he can get some to turn past the bat and get some to go straight on. As a left-hander you naturally want the ball turning back into you, so when there's an opportunity to try and hit a six you've got to take it."