
'Unforgivable': Family vow to help catch killer of 'beautiful' Karen Ristevski

How Karen Ristevski, a woman 'so full of love and life', could be dumped in a shallow bush grave is unforgivable, her family say.

Forensic testing confirmed on Tuesday afternoon that a badly decomposed body found at the base of Mount Macedon was that of the 47-year-old mother, who disappeared from her Avondale Heights home almost eight months ago.

"Happy we found her. Devastated that's how she was discarded," Ms Ristevski's aunt Patricia Gray said on Tuesday night.

Ms Gray had made the family's final public appeal for information last year.

"How a person such as Karen, so full of love, life and laughter, could be left, abandoned, discarded with no thought or emotion shown is unforgivable," she said.

Ms Ristevski's cousin Lisa Gray said the family would do everything possible to help bring the person responsible to justice.


"Karen was such a beautiful, kind, generous and loving person," she told Fairfax Media.

"I would like to thank the police, the SES and everyone else who has helped us through this time," she said.

"We will continue to do everything we can to assist police to help find the person responsible.

"We call on anyone who may have seen or heard anything, particularly from the Mount Macedon area, to call Crime Stoppers."

The breakthrough in the baffling case came on Monday at 12.30pm when a bushwalker stumbled upon her body between two logs, not far from a dirt track off Loch Road in Mount Macedon Regional Park north of Melbourne.

Results from a forensic test to determine the identity of the remains came back on Tuesday afternoon, with detectives visiting the Ristevski's Oakleigh Drive home to break the news to her husband Borce Ristevski and their 21-year-old daughter Sarah.

The focus of the investigation now turns to charging Ms Ristevski's killer.

Police have appealed to anyone who may have been walking along the dirt track, or anyone who may have seen vehicles there, to contact them.

Investigators are also hoping to speak to anyone who may have been at Mount Macedon any time since June last year and taken photos or videos in the area.

At the scene during the past two days, witnesses spoke of odd sightings in the area. A couple told police they had previously seen a man with a shovel, and made a joke to him about burying a body and were met with a stony look.

A woman who owns a property nearby said she saw a white van, which looked out of place, parked near Loch Road last August.

The mother and fashion boutique owner was last seen at her home in Melbourne's north-west by Mr Ristevski on June 29 last year.

Mr Ristevski said the couple had an argument over financial issues and his wife went for a walk to "clear her head".

Monday's discovery ended an intensive search for Ms Ristevski, which started in the vicinity of the Avondale Heights home and then grew to Macedon and as far as northern Victoria.

Dams were drained near Gisborne, farmland was scoured after cropping season, and the infamous Black Hill Road in Gisborne South - where Jill Meagher was buried in a shallow grave in 2012 - also became part of the search.

Detectives even travelled to Barmah, in northern Victoria, where police were told the Ristevskis had holidayed.

Last year, head of the missing persons squad, Detective Inspector Stephen Dennis, said there had been ongoing discussions with members of the Ristevski family, but would not say what had prompted them to concentrate the search around Gisborne.

However, Ms Ristevski's phone reportedly pinged on towers on the Calder Highway and at Gisborne on the day she went missing, and Mr Ristevski's phone was detected in nearby Diggers Rest on the same day. His phone was also reportedly switched off for two hours.

Gisborne is about 12 kilometres – a 14-minute drive over the Calder – from Mount Macedon.

The case has been marked with bizarre theories since Ms Ristevski disappeared.

Mr Ristevski reportedly told detectives he had driven his wife's 2004 Mercedes-Benz coupe on the day she disappeared to test a faulty fuel gauge. He said the car hit a bump in the road and the problem fixed itself, so he turned around and returned home.

Mr Ristevski's brother Vasko Ristevski, who was at the Ristevski home on Tuesday, had also claimed his sister-in-law was alive and well, and had fled overseas using a fake passport.

Meanwhile, Mr Ristevski's son from a previous relationship, Anthony Rickard, told various media outlets there was conflict within the family and that his stepmother had fled.

Both Borce Ristevski and Mr Rickard have been interviewed by police. Fairfax Media is not suggesting either was involved in Ms Ristevski's disappearance.

Ms Ristevski reportedly received a share of a $360,000 will left by her father before she went missing. She and her brother inherited the sum after the death of their father, Joseph Williams, in 2014.

However, Ms Ristevski's fashion boutique Bella Bleu had closed in February last year, and caveats had been placed on the $1.1 million family home by lenders.

- with Darren Gray, Chloe Booker