The front page picture of Ross Cameron ( ("Vitriol, far right style", February 11-12) conveys a disturbing, fanatical hatred. The appalling slurs unleashed at the so-called Q Society rally make laughable complaints about lack of free speech made by the likes of Cameron, Pickering, Hanson, Christensen, Kirralie Smith and Bernardi. Cameron no more represents the Christianity he hypocritically flaunts than paedophile priests represent Catholicism or IS the large majority of Muslims. Hanson, now strutting her loathsome stuff again courtesy of Turnbull's political naiveté, first castigated aborigines, then Asians, and now Muslims. Despite the noise this extremist mob makes and the media attention they crave, they are a small minority repulsive to the many who understand that it is not tribalism, toxic intolerance and irrationality that make for progress but co-operativeness, forbearance and reason.