
Vocational education: Up to 3000 disabled students at risk of funding cut to colleges

Up to 3000 disabled students are at risk of having funding cut to their vocational education courses after the NSW government suspended 17 providers for failing to meet minimum standards under the Smart and Skilled program.

Documents released under freedom of information laws show that thousands of disabled students studying courses in business administration, warehousing and retail at colleges across NSW are facing an uncertain future after the government suspended funding to their courses.

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The vocational education disaster

It's been labelled by some ministers as a disaster and in need of a total overhaul, but can TAFE and vocational education be fixed? Eryk Bagshaw reports.

The government has refused to release the names of the colleges that have been suspended, so students and families will not be notified until a college has their funding terminated.

A spokesman for the Department of Industry said naming suspended providers could cause students undue or unwarranted concern when the breaches could be minor.

"In this regard, NSW is no different from the national regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority," he said in February.

Courses for more than 500 disabled students have already had their funding terminated for failing to meet standards.


Seluna, the International Education and Training Services and one of Australia's largest private colleges, Careers Australia, are among those to have their funding cut for certificates in early childhood education and aged care.

According to the freedom of information request, Seluna and the International Education college both received taxpayer funding for students despite no evidence they ever commenced their studies.

Careers Australia, which earned $190 million in Commonwealth funding for 20,000 students, was forced to repay $44 million last year after it admitted to "engaging in unconscionable conduct" while it enrolled students in some of the poorest, most remote communities in Australia into thousands of dollars of debt.

It had its NSW funding cut for failing to properly train students, not complying with record keeping standards and not providing evidence upon request.

All three colleges were suspended before having their funding terminated.

Labor leader Luke Foley, whose office lodged the FOI request, called on Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Deputy Premier John Barilaro, who holds the industry portfolio, to release the names of the colleges suspended.

"Instead of helping vulnerable students navigate their way past the empty promises of charlatans, Ms Berejiklian and Mr Barilaro are leaving them to fend for themselves against predatory providers," he said.

Mr Barilaro's office previously referred questions to the Department of Industry.

While thousands of private sector disabled students face cuts to their courses, 14,567 fewer students with disabilities have enrolled in public TAFE campuses around NSW since 2012.

The figures come as TAFE embarks on a major overhaul from March, with plans to respond to industry needs through cyber security and robotics courses, a new school of entrepreneurship and teaching-hospital style aged care centres on TAFE campuses.

At the same time, the century-old institution is bracing for more job cuts as 10 autonomous TAFE institutes around the state are abolished to create "one TAFE".

More than 5000 jobs have gone in the past five years, according to the NSW Teachers Federation.

Under the new plans from managing director Jon Black, TAFE aims to increase the number of students completing apprenticeships and traineeships to 65 per cent by 2019.