About Time

DHS cancels Obama policies, orders agents to expand deportations

Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly officially ordered federal agents this week to begin arresting and deporting more illegal immigrants, releasing them from the handcuffs the Obama administration had imposed, and making headway on one of President Trump’s chief campaign promises. While young adult illegal immigrant “Dreamers” are still exempted, agents were told there are no…

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Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter at odds

Watching the Democratic National Convention, one could believe that you could both support the Black Lives Matter movement and our nation’s men in uniform. Don’t be fooled. You can’t. ColorofChange.org, an online social justice activist backed by billionaire George Soros, which promotes the Black Lives Matter narrative, sent an email out to its supporters Friday to…

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Jeb Bush, John Kasich seal their fates by pandering to illegal immigrants

ANALYSIS/OPINION: MILWAUKEE – As if Jeb Bush’s campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night’s debate. “Even having this conversation sends a powerful signal,” he whined as real estate mogul and presidential front-runner Donald Trump tangled with the Democratic wing of the Republican Party over the…

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Obama Loses His Base

As voters cast their final verdict on President Obama Tuesday, Democratic hope has changed to frustration. The president isn’t on the ballot, although he insists, with poorly timed pride, that the midterm election is a referendum on his agenda. Democratic candidates who are trying to keep control of the Senate hope voters aren’t listening to him.
The election finds Mr. Obama near his lowest job approval rating and leaking support from almost every part of his original winning 2008 coalition: women, minorities and young voters. More than two out of three voters now believe the nation is on the wrong track.
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The presumption of liberty

ANDREW P. NAPOLITANO: The presumption of liberty

In the years following the adoption of the Constitution, before he was secretary of state under President Thomas Jefferson and then president himself, James Madison, who wrote the Constitution, was a member of the House of Representatives. During that period of his life, he gave illuminating speeches and wrote elegant essays and letters about human freedom.…
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