ACT News

Should smoking be banned at Canberra bus stops?

Lighting up while waiting for your bus could soon be a thing of the past in Canberra.

The ACT government will begin consultation on Friday on whether smoking at bus stops, taxi ranks, train stations and future light rail stops should be banned.

Under the proposal, smoking would be restricted within five metres of both public and privately-owned public transport waiting areas. 

The ACT is currently the only state or territory that has not outlawed smoking at bus stops.

It follows the restriction of smoking within 10 metres of public playgrounds and play spaces last year. 

"Public transport waiting areas often attract large numbers of people including the elderly, visitors to our city and school children," ACT health minister Meegan Fitzharris said in a statement. 

"Being near someone who is smoking can expose you to harmful levels of second-hand smoke and this exposure can cause a range of adverse health effects including lung cancer and heart disease.

"For children, inhaling second-hand smoke is even more dangerous and can lead to health problems, such as bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma."

Consultation closes on April 7. To have your say, head to